Eman Eman

Eman Ismail . 9/7/2021 - Girls' Night Out
Elementary level


In this lesson, the class will learn about the activities and places they can visit on the weekend. Learners will be introduced to new cities like (Moscow- Beijing and Rio De Janeiro. They will learn new collocations related to the verbs (go - get- have) and they have to use it in the speaking task.


Abc New English File - Student's book - Elementary
Abc PowerPoint
Abc WB

Main Aims

  • To provide a practice of reading text and to teach learners how to search for s specific information.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide with the useful language ( words collocation), they are going to use in the freer practice to reinforce fluency.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1- I will greet my students first, and ask them about the last week. 2- show them the picture of girls were shopping and ask them:a) what can you see? b) Are they happy or sad? c) when can we go shopping? 2- Asking them about the weekend or holidays will engage them in the lesson. 3- Two minutes to write down their thoughts or suggestions about weekends' activity. 4- Check answers in pairs and ask one student to tell me about his partner.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

1- I can first elicit the collocation of the words of (have- get-go ) by asking them; for example Breakfast ( have- go - get). 2- Provide them with an activity to match the words' collocation in two minutes. 3- They check the answer together, after that check the answer key. 4- I will introduce them to the new vocab like ( sweater- trousers - macho country- fashion-restaurant) 5- Modelling and drilling to avoid mispronunciation of some words.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

1- Chest the handout and introduce exercise( 1b ) for learners and ask them to read the first column first to guess the right country; clarify that the first column is about (SABINA), the second is (SHARON). 2- Ask some ICQs: a) How many columns? ( two) b) will you read columns one to two? (one) c)Will you guess the city? (yes) 3- After they finish, I will ask students to go for the second column and do the same as column one. 4- Check the answers in pairs, then check the answer key. 5- Reread the text again and match the questions with the correct answer. 6- I will ask them some ICQs: a) how many questions will you match? (seven) b) are the answers in the first column or the second? ( first) 7- Check the answers in pairs, then check the answer key.

Controlled practice#1&2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with handouts and scaffold clear instruction to follow through the exercise.

1- ask students to re-read the text and try to match the question with the women's answers in the text. 2- I will ask some ICQs: a) will we write words or numbers? b) will you back to the text or not? 3- Check the answers in pairs, then check the answer key.

Freer practice (8-10 minutes) • to train learners for speaking the useful language

1- students individually re-read the report and try to answer the questions. 2- Students will check answers in pairs by asking each other. 3- The exercise will be conducted first as an open pair discussion, to make sure students understand what they will do. 4- Then they discuss and check answers in closed pairs. 5- If I finished earlier, I will provide them with personalized speaking activities; students go and ask everyone in the room about their last vacation.

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