Parinaz VK Parinaz VK

TP 1
Elementary level


In this lesson, students learn the functional language for meeting people in both formal and informal situations. The lesson starts with a listening about formal and informal conversations. It is followed by a language focus activity based on unscrambling some scrambled sentences and then using them to fill in a table. Finally, it provides students with a semi-controlled practice where students should use the language they have learned to meet different people in the class.


Abc Listening Exercise handout

Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of functional language for meeting people

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide semi-controlled speaking practice


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher introduces himself and ask the students if they remember each others' names. This is aimed at reviewing the possessive adjectives that they have learned from the previous lesson.

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To prepare students for the listening they are going to hear

1. The teacher writes down the words "Formal" and "Informal" on the board. She shows some pictures to the students and asks them if they represent formal or informal situations. 2.The teacher gives out the listening exercise handouts to the students, and has them work in pairs to decide within a minute which pictures on the top the HO represent formal and which ones represent informal situations. When the time is up, the teacher checks the answers with he class. 3.While the students are busy with their HOs from the previous step, The teacher writes two conversations - a formal and an informal one - on the board. Once step is over, the teacher asks the students to decide which of the two conversations on the board is formal and which is informal.

Controlled Practice (14-15 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1.the teacher moves on the listening task 1 in the HO where students will hear four conversations and decide whether they are formal or informal. Since there is not much space in the Listening Exercise HO to write down the answers, answer table is handed out to students in which they can easily write their answers. The relevant instructions should be given by the teacher and ICQ ought to be used to assure that the students know exactly what they are to do. 2.The teacher plays the recording once, and the students write their answers in table they have been given. Once they are finished with the listening, the students have 2 minutes to compare their answers with their partners in pairs. 3.The teacher plays the recording for the second time, and has the students listen to it and check their answers. While the recording is playing, the teacher draws on the board a table similar to the one provided for the students. 4. The teacher asks four students at random to come to the board and complete the table. 5. The teacher has four cards- each separately representing the words "Nice", "to", "meet", and "you". She puts them on the board and asks the students to help her put them in the right order to make a correct a sentence. 6.She puts the students in groups of three and gives each group a set of cards, similar to the ones she used in the first step and asks them to make a sentence by putting the word in the right order. The students are supposed to arrange the card in front of them on the floor. They have two minutes to do the task. 7.The teacher draws a table on the board similar to the one in Language Focus exe 2. in the HO while the students are busy with step2. As soon as the time is up, the teacher checks the work of each group by walking around the classroom. 8.Using the table on the board, the teacher gives the instruction about what they are supposed to do next with the sentences they have made using the cards. She give the HOs to the students and gives them 3 minutes to fill in the table. 9. The students work in the same groups where they have put the cards in order. Once the time is up, the teacher asks three student at random to come to the board and write their answers in the table.

Semi-Controlled Speaking Practice (15-16 minutes) • to give students a freer practice and prepare them for a free performance

1. The teacher write a conversation on the board as follows: A: Hi, I'm ..... B: Hey, ..... I'm ..... . A: Good to see you, .... . B: Good to see you, too. A: What's your job? B: I'm a(n) ... . What about you? A: I'm a(n) .... . 2. The teacher asks a good student to come to the board to help her with a demo instruction she wants to give for the next activity. 3. She gives him a card representing a name and a job and asks him to hold it up so that everyone in the class can see it. She holds another identity card up representing her new identity and explains to the students these are their new names and new jobs. The teacher double checks the instructions to make sure that the students understand what they should do. 4. She acts the conversation on the board with the student at the front of the class and then gives the students the identity cards that she has prepared asking them to walk around and meet other people from the class with their new names and jobs. 5.The teacher monitors the students walking around the classroom and being prompt for any pronunciation mistakes regarding the target language. She writes them on the board so that when the activity is done, she can emphasize them with the students.

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