Isabel Lorite Isabel Lorite

TP4 LP_Isabel Lorite
Lower Intermediate level


In this vocabulary lesson students will learn about the use of -ed and -ing adjectives in a PPP framework, based on a reading text about how much time people spend watching TV.


Abc HO2(Answer Key).docx
Abc HO3 Freer practice questions.docx

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson Ss will have had clarification on the meaning, form and pronunciation of some adjectives ending in -ed and -ing, as well as controlled and freer practice, in the context of expressing opinions and describing how people feel about the time they spend watching TV. That will allow them to express their impressions and feelings about something using those kinds of adjectives more accurately.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist reading through scanning in the context of identifying how long people spend watching TV.
  • To provide freer speaking practice in the context of expressing opinions and feelings about daily habits and activities, such as watching TV, sports, and free time activities.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will ask Ss the following question: "How much TV do you watch every day?", and elicit the average time they spend watching TV. Next, I will ask them the following: "Would you like to live without TV for a week? Why/Why not?", quickly eliciting their opinions.

Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I will give students a gist reading task for scanning by sending them "HO1 KILL YOUR TV.docx" file by chat and presenting two questions: 1. Who watches more TV in the UK, men or women? 2. How many years of our lives do we spend watching TV? HO1 - KILL YOUR TV! Could you live without TV for a week? “Sure, TV programmes can be exciting or relaxing, especially when you’re tired at the end of the day,” says Rudy Matthews from, “but most of the time TV is just boring. We want people to turn off the TV for a week and do something more interesting instead.” You may be surprised by how much television we watch. The average American family watches TV for 6 hours and 47 minutes every day and British men watch about 27 hours a week (British women watch ‘only’ 24 hours). This means we spend over ten years of our lives watching TV – what a frightening thought! Many parents are annoyed at the amount of TV advertisement aimed at children and they’re worried about the effect of television violence. Teacher Julianne Wells thinks this is a problem. “American kids spend more time watching TV than in school, and I think it’s very worrying.” Students will be sent in pairs to breakout rooms and will be given 2 minutes to quickly read the text and find out the answers. Once back to the main session I will elicit their answers and we will confirm in which parts of the text they could find the information.

Highlighting (4-5 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

HIGHLIGHTING AND MEANING CLARIFICATION I will show students the following sentence from the text: "We spend over 10 years of our lives watching TV", and ask 2 CCQs: 1. Do we spend more or less than 10 years of our lives watching TV? - More 2. Is it a short or long period of time? - Long Then I will personalize this idea by asking them: "Is this information relaxing or frightening?" Next, I will tell them that relaxing and frightening express their impressions about the news, and I will ask them to find 6 words in the text that express people's impressions about something. I will underline one in the text (using a pink color) as a model (frightening) and will elicit the other 5 words from Ss and underline them in pink as well (exciting, relaxing, boring, interesting, and worrying). After that, I will show Ss another sentence from the text: "Most of the time TV is just boring", and I will ask 3 CCQs: 1. Is watching TV a nice way of entertainment? - No 2. Does the person like watching TV? - No 3. How does the person feel when watching TV? - Bored Then I will ask them to try to find 4 words in the text that express how people feel. I will show them one as an example (bored) and elicit the remaining 3 words from Ss (surprised, annoyed, worried). All those 4 words will be highlighted in green.

Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MEANING (2nd part) I will list 4 -ing adjectives (in pink) on the board and I will add the beginning of a sentence on the left, before the adjectives: "The movie is...". Next, I will add another part of the sentence on the right, next to the adjectives: ", so I feel...". Then I will model the first one with them: "The movie is exciting, so I feel excited" and add "excited" (in green) at the end of the sentence, and elicit the following sentence endings (in green) so that we can build them together: The movie is boring, so I feel bored. / The movie is interesting, so I feel interested. / The movie is frightening, so I feel frightened. FORM Ss then will be shown two lists: The one on the left (in pink) shows the words exciting, boring, interesting, and frightening. The one on the right (in green) shows the words excited, bored, interesting and frightening. I will ask Ss to tell me the endings of the words in pink and then the endings of the words in green. Next, I will ask Ss if those words are verbs or adjectives. If they say "verbs" I will ask them if they are sure and elicit examples with those words to help them see that in spite of ending either in -ed or -ing they are all adjectives. PRONUNCIATION: Students will be shown 6 adjectives, being 3 in the pink list on the left (exciting, interesting, frightening) and 3 in the green list on the right (excited, interested, frightened). I will elicit the stressed syllables in each word and add a dot over the stressed ones. As we do it with each pair of words (exciting/excited, interesting/interested, frightening/frightened), I will promote the drilling of each pair chorally (twice) and individually (once, naming one student at a time).

Controlled Practice (6-9 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Ss will be given a gap-filling activity to work individually through Google Forms (HO2). There will be 9 sentences with gaps to be filled with either -ed or -ing adjectives. Ss will be asked to choose the correct option for each sentence. First, I will give Ss 1 minute to read the sentences and confirm if they understand them. Next, we will do the first one together as a model. I will then give Ss 4 minutes to do it, and to check their answers I will both shown them the answer key on shared screen and send them the answer key Word file ("HO2(Answer key).docx"). I will give them 1 minute for checking. HO2 - Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives: 1. Were you ____________ by anything in the article? ( ) surprising ( X ) surprised 2. Which TV programmes do you think are really ____________? ( X ) boring ( ) bored 3. What’s the most ____________ film you’ve ever seen? ( X ) frightening ( ) frightened 4. When did you last feel really ____________? ( ) tiring ( X ) tired 5. What’s the most ____________ holiday you’ve ever had? ( X ) exciting ( ) excited 6. Are you ____________ in sports? ( X ) interesting ( ) interested 7. Do you have any ____________ habits? ( X ) annoying ( ) annoyed 8. When you were a child, what were you ____________ about? ( ) worrying ( X ) worried 9. What’s the most ____________ way to spend the weekend? ( X ) relaxing ( ) relaxed

Free Practice (10-15 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Ss will work in breakout rooms for 6 minutes for a speaking practice activity in which they will have to discuss 4 points and check what things they have in common. The 4 questions for discussion are: 1. Which TV programmes do you think are really boring? 2. When did you last feel really tired? 3. Are you interested in sports? 4. What’s the most relaxing way to spend the weekend? I will also send those 4 questions by chat to help students during their discussions in pairs. As we all return to the main session, Ss will share their answers (OCFB). After that, I will give students some language feedback (DEC), based on their discussions in the breakout rooms.

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