Alex Alex

TP8 LP Alex Duncan
Elementary level


In this lesson,


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of 'going to + do' in the context of plans and intentions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy with the use of Controlled Practice Google Form.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of plans and intentions.


Warmer/Lead-in (2-2 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T opens screen to slide and with the Giphy pictures of the cloud, Garfield about to eat, and a couple about to kiss. T elicits what will happen next. Ss will be expected to say 'It is going to rain', 'Garfield is about to eat', and 'they are about to kiss'.

Exposure (2-3 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T goes to the next slide with a text which uses the TL: going to. T tells Ss: Read the text and answer the question (What is this conversation about?) - Answer: What a friend will do during a trip to London. T assigns time (1 minute) - Ss can give a thumbs up when they have finished. T asks ICQs: 1. Are we reading for specific information or the general idea? (general idea) 2. What is the question? (What is this conversation about?) T calls time after 1 minute of when all Ss have finished and elicits the answer.

Highlighting (5-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T shares next slide with the same text. T asks: Is this text the same as before (yes) T instructs: 'On your own, read and highlight the parts of the sentences with ‘going to’. The first one has been done for you here. I will post the link in the chat to the Google Form.' T sets time limit (2 or 3 minutes) CCQ: After 'going to' do I need a noun, verb or adjective? (verb) ICQs: 1. Are you working individually or in pairs? (Individually) 2. What is the target language we are looking out for? T checks all Ss can access the form and after highlighting that the first example of TL has been done for the Ss starts the clock: (2 to 3 mins) T tells Ss to give a thumbs up when finished. T CALLS TIME and SHARES SCREEN of the text and ELICITS the TL from Ss. T displays the which has all the examples of the TL there.

Clarification (9-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MEANING/Form: T displays the next slide and posts a link in the chat. T shares screen of the Google Form and demonstrates that the Ss will complete both sections: meaning and form. T SHARES link to form' I will post the link to this Google Form in the chat. Can you open it?' T shares screen of Google Form and reads instructions from it that highlights the interaction pattern (pairs), time (3 minutes), and example question which has been done for them. T asks ICQs: 1. How much time do you have? 2. Are you doing this individually or in pairs? T sets time limit: 3 minutes. T organises BORs (3 mins) Monitoring: T checks on Ss in the different BORs. Reminders: T sends reminders (time or instructions) using BROADCAST TO ALL function. OCFB: T SHARES SCREEN of form and ELICITS answers from Ss. Functional language/appropriacy: T SHARES SCREEN of Functional language slide revealing the examples with missing words: I __ going to ___ my friends___ (T elicits VERB TO BE), a suitable verb e.g. meet, and a time marker e.g. next Saturday. __is ___ to ___ her parents ____ (T elicits pronoun, 'going', a suitable verb and time marker. T asks Is ‘I am going to..’ a fixed expression or semi-fixed? (semi-fixed). T elicits an example from Ss to complete the sentence e.g. 'I am going to the park' CCQ: 1. If someone asks me ‘What will you do next week, do I need to answer with a time-marker at the end? (no). Why? (because we already know the time). 2. When should I use a time marker? (The there is no time reference e.g. when I am introducing a new thing I am doing. Pronunciation T covers the following sentences: [I am going to see my friends soon] Stress words x 2: friends/soon. Weak forms: to Linked words x 2 (I am--> I'm) (to see). Phonics: T elicits the appropriate phonic symbols for the sentence: /I'm: aɪm/, tsiː to see. Drill: T gives a verbal example of the sentence and elicits individual/choral drilling. I’m gonna play tennis tomorrow. Stress words: tennis/tomorrow Weak forms x 1: 'I'm' before gonna --> /mɡənə/ Linked words x 2 (I'm gonna) Phonics: appropriate phonic symbols: /mɡənə/ or /aɪm ɡənə// Drill: T gives a verbal example of the sentence and elicits individual/choral drilling. Appropriacy: 1. Which sentence is more informal? (I'm gonna play tennis tomorrow) 2. Are any of these sentences formal? (no)

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T SHARES LINK to Google Form and checks everyone can open it. T instructs Ss 'Please work in pairs for 3 minutes to answer the questions. You have 3 minutes. Do not submit the form' ICQs: How much time do you have? (3 mins) Do we need to submit the form? (no) Give me a thumbs up when finished. OCFB: T shares screen of Google Form and elicits the answers from Ss.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T instructs: Now you will work in BORs to ask each other questions about your plans for 5 minutes). Demo: T highlights dialogue. Student to ask T example question. Brainstorm. ‘Before you start take time to write some notes of what you will ask you (see examples above) T organises BORs while Ss get ready ICQs: 1. How much time do we have? 2. Are we talking about intentions? Monitor/reminders/DEC prep OCFB: ‘What is your partner going to do?’ DEC stage: T shares slide of good and bad examples of grammar. Instruction: Work together to correct any mistakes if there are any. Optional routines: BORs or open class (teacher turns off mic and cam). T sets time limit. T monitors before OCFB

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