Ulises Ulises

Pre intermediate level


Estudents will practice and revise functional language to agree or disagree


Abc Jamboard
Abc Google drive

Main Aims

  • To practice and revise functional language to agree and disagree

Subsidiary Aims

  • Give students practice about forming an opinion


Lead in (9-9 minutes) • To introduce the topic of today's lesson

T shares screen and gives link to jamboard Instructions: I think Batman is the best superhero. S1 do you agree? S1 replies Now i want you to write on jamboard if you agree or you disagree T conducts OCFB

Presentation trought the text (6-6 minutes) • Give students first glance to TL

Instructions Read this text Now, in teams discuss what phrases they use to agree or desagree, write them in jamboard, you have 3 minutes T demos the task Students go to Bors T conducts OCFB CCQ: How many people are talking? 2 Who are they? Elsa and Josh ICQ: How much time? 3 minutes Where are you writing the sentences? Jamboard

Language Clarification (5-5 minutes) • To cover MFP

T uses slide to cover MFP

Control Practice (10-10 minutes) • Student will use the TL in a controll manner

Instructions: answered this form. T demos the first answer Now discuss your answers in pairs. You have 5 minutes Students go to BoRs T conducts OCFB ICQ: How much time? 5 minutes Are you working alone? No in pairs

Free Practice (15-15 minutes) • St will freely used TL

Instructions: Tell your partner a movie you like, one you dont like. A food you like a food you dont like and a Singer you like and you dont like. See if they agree with you. T demos the class Students go to BorS T conducts DEC

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