Isabel Lorite Isabel Lorite

TP2 LP_Isabel Lorite
Lower Intermediate level


This is a lesson that will provide students with practice in listening for gist and details in order to develop their listening skills.


Abc Listening Task 1 handout by Google Forms
Abc Listening Task 2 handout by Google Forms
Abc Track 09 CD1

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed practice in listening in the context of meeting new people at an informal party and talking to them about where they live and work, their jobs and how some of the people are related to the guests.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of words in the context of getting to know new people and to allow Ss to talk about party experiences.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will ask them "What do you do?" to elicit their occupations. In pairs Ss will work in breakout rooms for two minutes to talk to each other about themselves (for personalization) using the following sentences I will show them: - Do you like your job? - Why/Why not? I will also send these questions by chat to facilitate their work in the breakout rooms. Ss will report their partners' answers to the whole class once we return to the main session.

Pre-Listening (7-9 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Pre-teaching: 1. MEANING I will show Ss cards with three words and three definitions using Jamboard. Ss will match the words to their corresponding definitions: - whereabouts = where - wedding = a marriage ceremony - lawyer = a person who represents someone in a court I will show Ss the key for them to check their answers. Next, I will ask students some Concept Checking Questions based on example sentences for each of the three words in order to confirm their understanding on the meaning of each word, and I will use one timeline for the last word following the CCQs: Sentence 1: Whereabouts do you live? CCQ1: Do I know where I live? - No CCQ2: Is this conversation formal or informal? - Informal Sentence 2: She is a lawyer. CCQ1: Do you call this person for help when you are sick? - No CCQ2: Can this person help you understand a contract? - Yes CCQ3: Does this person usually wear formal or casual clothes at work? - Formal clothes Sentence 3: Their wedding was very beautiful. CCQ1: Did they get married or divorced at the ceremony? - married CCQ2: What did they put on their finger at the ceremony? - a ring CCQ3: Are people usually happy or sad on that type of event? - happy Then I show Ss a timeline in which they will be asked to place the words "marriage" and "wedding" in order to identify the difference in meaning between them, being "wedding" an event in one specific moment in time (in this case the year 2018) and "marriage" the whole timeline gap from the year 2018 until now. I decided doing that considering the fact that Ss sometimes misuse those two words when talking about getting or being married. 2. PRONUNCIATION and FORM I will show Ss the 3 words again (whereabouts, lawyer, and wedding) and for each word I will elicit the stressed syllable by asking "What is the stressed / strongest syllable?" and showing a dot over the corresponding syllable (in this case the first syllable in all the words). Then I will elicit the type of word (in this case an adverb and two nouns) and two other aspects: For "whereabouts" I will ask them to confirm which one is used in a formal / informal context. For "lawyer" and "wedding" I will ask them where an adjective goes if we use it together with the noun, so that they can confirm it goes before the noun. I will ask them "Do we say 'a lawyer good' or 'a good lawyer'?" and "Do we say 'a beautiful wedding' or 'a wedding beautiful'?" and show them those those phrases after they give me the answers.

While-Listening #1 (6-9 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information listening tasks

I will explain to Ss they will listen to three conversations of some people at a party and they will need to choose the correct option to the six sentences that will be shown on the screen. They will be given one minute to read them. Next, I will send them the Google form link by chat, confirm they have opened it and play the audio file. Students will be given two minutes to check their answers in pairs in breakout rooms. As we all return to the main session I will show them the correct answers for checking: Matt and Carol are having a party. Listen to the conversations and choose the correct words: 1. Matt is Carol’s brother / husband. - husband 2. Natalia is from Spain / Brazil. - Spain 3. Ben works with Matt / Carol. - Matt 4. Jackie is Matt and Carol’s neighbour / boss. - neighbour 5. Liam is a lawyer / an accountant. - lawyer 6. Amy is Carol’s sister / cousin. - accountant

While-Listening #2 (10-14 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

I will show Ss six sentences with multiple-choice answers and I will explain that they will listen to the same conversation one more time and will need to choose the correct option to complete the gaps in the sentences. I will give them 1 minute to read and I will send them the link to the Google form by chat, where they will be able to choose the best options. Once all of them confirm they have opened the form I will play the audio file. I will give Ss four minutes to check their answers in pairs in breakout rooms. As we all return to the main session I will show them the key: 1. Natalia started her new job ______ weeks ago. ( X ) two ( ) three ( ) four 2. She goes back to Spain about ______ times a year. ( ) two ( X ) three ( ) four 3. Ben lives near a _________. ( ) restaurant ( X ) park ( ) bookstore 4. Jackie is a manager of ________ restaurant. ( ) a Spanish ( ) a French ( X ) an Italian 5. Liam and Amy met at Carol and Matt’s ___________. ( X ) wedding ( ) birthday party ( ) graduation party 6. Carol and _________ work for the same company. ( ) Amy ( X ) Liam ( ) Matt

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned in a speaking activity

I will show Ss the following questions and ask them to share their own experiences with their peers either in pairs or groups, depending on the number of students: - Tell your partner about the last party you went to. • When was it? • Where was it? • Did you enjoy it? Why/Why not? I will give them five minutes to work in breakout rooms and I will monitor their work for language feedback at the end. Once the time given is up we will all return to the main session and Sts will tell us what their peers told them. In the final minutes I will work on DEC and elicit the correction from Ss, as class work. If there is any time left, I will ask Ss to imagine the current pandemic is over and we will work together on planning a party to celebrate that. It will be speaking class work.

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