Areej Areej

people at work
Intermediate G2 level


In this lesson , Students will learn about occupations (driver,farmer,nurse,cook,waiter,singer). They will be able to ask and answer about a person's occupation. What do you do? I'm a farmer. What does she do? She's a nurse.


Abc full Blast

Main Aims

  • To introduce occupations.To ask and answer about a person's occupation.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice the vocabulary. To talk about their dream job. To describe the pictures


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I'll ask each student about their dream job. I'll stick the flash cards on the board and ask the students to say its name. I'll pretend that I'm cooking and say What do I do? They will answer you're a cook. Do the same for the rest of the words.

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Tell the students to open their books on page 68. Ask them to read the title (People at work) Tell them that they are going to listen and repeat the vocabulary (driver , farmer , nurse , cook, waiter , singer ) Ask the students to put each word in a correct sentence.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Direct Ss' attention to the pictures and ask them what they can see ( Three people, a cook , a taxi driver, a nurse) Ask the students What does the man in the first picture do? He is a cook. What does the man in the second picture do? He is a taxi driver. What does the woman in the third picture do? She is a nurse. play the CD and ask the students to read along with the CD. Play the CD again and pause after each sentence for Ss to repeat.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Ask students some questions about the text. Does Bob drive a lorry? No, he doesn't. He drives a taxi. Does Jane work in a hotel ? No, she doesn't. she works in a hospital. Is Tony good at making pizza ? Yes , he is. What does Tony do? He is a cook. Where does Tony work ? He works in a restaurant. Explain to Ss. that they have to listen to the CD again, follow along in their books and try to guess and write the names of the people in the boxes under each picture. Choose three students to read the text aloud for the class.

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Activity 1 Draw Ss' attention to the five sentences. explain to Ss that they have to read the sentences carefully and circle Yes or No according to the text. Have Ss check their answers in pairs . Activity 2 Draw Ss' attention to the four sentences. Explain that the have to read the sentences and complete them with each person's occupation. Check the answer as a class. Activity 3 I'll read the exchange aloud and have students repeat. Explain to students that they are going to play a game. Divide students into pairs. Student A ask Student B questions trying to find out What his / her job is .Student B gives short answers until Student A find the correct job. I'll go around the classroom to monitor the students

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