Pamela Pamela

TP 5 - Speaking_Pamela Escobar
Upper Intermediate level


This is a mixed group of Mexican male and female. They use Spanish as their first language. About half the class are very engaged when eliciting answers from them while a couple of students are more reserved, most likely due to having a more restrictive vocabulary and lack of speaking confidence. There are some students that joined the group recently, they are just getting acquainted with the group and class dynamics.


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice describing Traditions in the context of Weddings

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a Conversation in the context of Weddings


Warmer/Lead-in (5-0 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

INSTRUCTIONS: 1. Teacher starts the lesson by showing photos of a wedding and things that are traditionally used in that context. T will instruct Ss' to look at the picture and say what they have in common as. Ss' will probably answer: A wedding and its traditions/customs. • What do the pictures have in common? 2. Afterwards, T will tell students about a wedding tradition that she recently learned about as a demo. Then, T will ask a second question to be discussed in breakout rooms for 3 minutes before open class discussion. • What wedding traditions are there in your country? DEMO: Teacher personalizes the topic so they can share what they know. T: I heard that there is a tradition called “El Lazo” The Lasso or rope. It is placed around the bride’s and the grooms shoulders in the form of an 8 after they have said their vows to symbolize their everlasting union. It is a Native Mexican tradition that symbolizes the unity of a couple and it was incorporated in today’s Catholic Church. The Mayas used it to honor their loved ones who could not be present for the ceremony. What wedding traditions do you know or maybe have heard about?

Content Preparation (6 minutes) • To provide a model of phrases and vocabulary students can use in coming tasks through a matching exercise.

T will project a second slide and instruct students to discuss with their partners what people do before a wedding and to look at the words and phrases on a Jamboard/PowerPoint slide and place them where they agree should go. (Brainstorm phrases and lexis) T will tell students they have 3 minutes to discuss in breakout rooms and do the task with their peers before open class discussion and feedback. T will give one example: Demo: "In some countries the groom’s family is responsible for corsages and boutonnieres for members of both families.” Teacher will explain what Corsage and Boutonnieres are. Corsage: a small, decorative group of flowers that a woman pins to her clothes or ties around her wrist, usually for a special occasion. Boutonnieres: (American English) a flower that someone wears in the buttonhole of, or fastened to, their jacket on a special occasion such as a wedding. (In the UK it is common to hear it as buttonhole).

Useful Language (10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks.

The target item will be focused on 5 useful phrases in the context of describing traditions and recycling sequence adverbs for describing order of events. This stage will take place in the following order MFPA: Meaning T will instruct students to match the beginning of the phrases to a title. Then, Ss' will be instructed to work for 2 minutes in breakout rooms to do the activity with their peers. After that, open class feedback and peer-correction. Afterwards, T will ask what all the forms have in common to elicit that all the sentences are in the present simple form. Form 1. T will ask Ss' to match the complete fixed phrases to discover its correct grammatical form. T will inform that they have 2 minutes to do the activity in break out rooms with their partners. (Groups of 3 or pairs). Then, teacher will nominate Ss' as an open class discussion students to share their answers, feedback and clarify forms if necessary. 2. T will project another Jamboard/PowerPoint slide and ask Ss' to answer quickly what words can be used to describe an order of events (First, then, after that, next, finally,..). This activity is to recycle vocabulary learned in other lessons and to remember that they can use it in the next stage. T will ask if they can be used in a different order and elicit which sequence adverbs can be used to describe the event so they say First. T will ask: What are the steps to plan an unforgettable wedding? To make use of the sequence adverbs and write some of the students ideas on the slide for students to see. Pronunciation T will select one sentence with a collocation and a sequence adverb sentences to emphasize stress, linkage and elision that happens in one of the sentences. Collocation phrase: It takes place in a church. Sequence adverb phrase: Then, the groomsmen plan a stag party. T models, then whole class drill. T elicits pronunciation from individual ss. T will ask if the phrases are Formal, Informal or neutral.

SPEAKING 1 & 2 (20 minutes) • To provide opportunity to practice speaking fluency and expand on what’s been learned.

This stage will take place in 2 steps: 1. T will instruct students to discuss with their partners if they would follow their country’s traditions for a wedding, why and why not? T tells students they have 8 minutes in breakout rooms. Afterwards, Ss' return to the main room for 2 minutes of open class discussion where the teacher will nominate 2 students to share what they learned as an OCD. • Discuss with your partners if you would follow your country’s traditions for a wedding? Why and why not? 2. Then, teacher will instruct student to tell their partners about a unique or unforgettable wedding they attended? What happened? Why was it unique? T will instruct they have 10 minutes to discuss in their groups. • Tell others about a unique or unforgettable wedding you attended? • What happened? Why was it unique?

Feedback and Error Correction (4 minutes) • To provide learners with feedback and inform them of how they did with regards to content and language used.

T conducts OCFB T conducts DEC (Both accurate and inaccurate language).

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