Farouk Zaabab Farouk Zaabab

TP1 (Vocabulary + Reading in the context of Numbers)
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will practise putting numbers in order and do pronunciation drills of the numbers they were presented with especially the confusing ones such as thirty and thirteen (30-13)...etc. They will read the text on P11 (Global Elementary Textbook) using the techniques of guessing, reading for gist and reading for details. They will follow this up with a short speaking activity asking their peers about numbers which are considered by them as favourites, lucky numbers, important numbers...etc.


Abc Ordering Numbers Game
Abc Write the Numbers for the Words
Abc Reading text

Main Aims

  • To provide practice of reading for gist and detail in the context of numbers.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To review and practise more number-related vocabulary.


Lead-in (1-2 minutes) • To introduce the lesson and break the ice.

T introduces himself and greets the Ss. T tells the Ss that they are going to do a game and a bit of reading.

Vocabulary Activity 1 (game) (6-8 minutes) • To review and practise number-related vocubaly through a group game as a warm up for the reading activity.

T divides the students into two groups of six or more students-depending on the whole number of students . T explains the activity and uses ICQs to make sure they get them right. For example, T can ask the folloing questions: are you working in a group or alone? do you have 10 minutes to discuss or 2 minutes? and the group which finishes first is the ..............? After finishing the activity teacher checks with the students (WC check) including feedback about what they did. Finally, the teacher introduces the word Sequence using the numbers they ordered- providing them with a pronunciation drill before writing the word.

Vocabulary Exercise 3 (4-6 minutes) • To review and practise number-related vocubaly and drill the confusing numbers such as 13 and 30...etc.

T gives the instructs the students to write the numbers for the the words they hear and compare their results in pairs. Then, they will have a WC correction. This is the time when the T drills the pronunciation differences of the numbers 13/30, 14/40, 15/50...etc.

Reading Activity 1 (8-12 minutes) • To convey the meaning of the key words found in the text, and practise reading for gist and checking predictions.

T elicits the meaning of the key words through pictures and gestures using the following CCQs: is lucky good or bad? happy or sad? Is the Algerian flag common in Turkey? Is English common in Turkey? Does unlucky mean happy?...etc. The word sequence was introduced earlier. Then the teacher writes the numbers from reading (8,3,13) on the board and asks students to guess the significance the numbers might have. T monitors and notes language points to deal with later on . T Gives the text and lets the Ss check their ideas in pairs (2 minutes is enough).

Reading Activity 2 (5-6 minutes) • To provide Ss with practice in reading for details.

T asks the learners to scan the text on P11 to find the answers to the four questions setting a time limit of 2 minutes. Ss check their answers in pairs. T makes sure the instructions are clear by asking ICQs. Finally, the T selects Ss to answer and share as a WC.

Follow Up Activity; Speaking Ex 3 (9-11 minutes) • To provide the Ss with an opportunity of free practice (Fluency activity) using the number-related vocabulary .

T writes some questions on the WB. Then demos the activity with one student and asks ICQs after that. The Ss are given 5 minutes to ask each other and find out about their peers favourite number, lucky number, unlucky number, number of month of birth and number of day of birth. T selects some students to share with him a SECRET about one of the students. Finally, T writes some of the common mistakes he found while monitoring and corrects them with the class.

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