Mustafa Elshamy Mustafa Elshamy


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Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson will be better able to converse using the target language (adverbs of frequency) in the context of daily routine.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy and fluency when speaking with the targeted language.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

1. I will show the students the sentence " Tell me about your weekend routine" on the screen and elicit the meaning of routine. 2. I will invite one of the students to say the sentence to me. "Mo, tell me about your weekend routine! 3. I will then reply by telling them a few things that I do on weekends and then ask the student, how about you? The student is expected to reply with few things they do. 4. The students then discuss their weekend routine in pairs. 5. After they finish, I will ask them to share what they learned about each other with me.

Pre-teach blocking vocabulary (3-5 minutes) • Not to block the students understanding of the text

Blocking vocabulary: 1. cello 2. shower 3. computer games 4. fizzy drinks 5. fast food Procedure: 1. I will show the students a picture of each word. 2. I will elicit the meaning/name of each one. 3. The students usually figure out the meaning; if not, I will tell them. 5. Ask CCQs, demo, or give examples to check the understanding. 6. First, I will model the pronunciation (word only) without drilling; the students will drill after me chorally and individually. 7. Write the words in sentences on the whiteboard. 8. Repeat the same procedure in number 6 but with the sentence.

Exposure/Controlled Practice 1 (5-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

1. I will ask the students to read the verbs and words and phrases in number one. 2. The students then work in pairs to match A with B in both boxes. 3. The students listen to audio 6.14 and check their answers. 4. We check the answers together on the screen. 5. I will ask the students questions using verbs, words, and phrases from the boxes. For example: Do you get up early? The student might answer with yes or no. I will try to elicit/get them to answer with adverbs of frequency. 6. If the student answered with an adverb of frequency, I will write it on the board. 7. I will ask the students to practice asking each other the questions for a minute.

Clarification/Teach Target language (5-7 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Target Language: always-usually-sometimes-never. - I always get up early. - He usually walks to work. - She sometimes eats fast food. - I never have breakfast. Pre-teaching: I will show the students a line the begins with 100% on the left and ends with 0 on the right. I will explain briefly that this time. Meaning: 1. I will elicit the meaning of each adverb by asking questions about the meaning. For example, I get up early every day. What can I use instead of every day? I will repeat this model of example with the other words. After eliciting each word, I'll show them a picture of it. 2. I will ask CCQs to check for understanding. For example (sometimes), Does it mean I do something every day or every time?- No. Then I'll ask them to give me an example. 3. Continue checking to understand by asking them where to put the word on the line. 4. I will write the percentage. 5. Pronunciation: 1. First, I'll model (word only). 2. After this, the students will drill chorally and individually. 3. Model the whole sentence. 4. The students drill again chorally and individually. 5. While drilling, students can see the stresses and the IPA of each word/sentence on the screen or the flashcard. 6. I will highlight the linking in "get up" on the whiteboard. Form: 1. I will show the form of each sentence after drilling it. 2. I will briefly go through the form by explaining it. (Positive or negative, tense).

Controlled Practice 2 (5-7 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

1. The students will read the sentences in task two. 2. Then they listen to audio 6.15 and repeat. 3. The students work in pairs ask and answer the questionnaire. 4. After they finish, they tell me each other's answers.

Free Practice (10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students go around the class to collect data about what their peers do at different times of the day. Example: A: What's your name? B: I'm Jess. A: What do you do in the afternoon? B: I sometimes take a nap. 1. First, I will demonstrate with one of the high-level students. 2. Ask the students to begin the free practice. 3. After they finish, they will share what they've learned about their peers with everyone.

Feedback (5 minutes) • To fix the students accuracy common mistakes.

I will monitor the students during the free practice and collect some common mistakes.

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