Clara Arnold Clara Arnold

CELTYL Lesson 2
Elem. Ages 10-13 level


This based on the first lesson in chapter 2 of Footprints 2. It focuses on presenting the vocabulary that is seen in the rest of the unit. The theme is exotic animals. The animals taught are: Tiger, Giraffe, Elephant, Snake, Ostrich, Zebra, Iguana and Orangutan I will also introduce body parts that are specific to some of these animals: scales, feathers, a trunk, a tail, spots and stripes


Abc Patafix
Abc Flash Cards
Abc Board Markers
Abc Word Cards
Abc Description Matching WS and Answer Key

Main Aims

  • By the end of the lesson they will be able to use has got in the context of wild animals. They will be able to describe wild animals.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To learn the names of body parts in the context of wild animals.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To open the lesson

I will play Simon Says to review body parts.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To teach the vocabulary

I will show flash cards with the vocabulary and I will have students name the animals by elicitation. I will make sure to drill and repeat so they learn them perfectly. I will put the animals and associated parts on the board so they can learn that a trunk for example belongs to an elephant.

Pre Reading (8-10 minutes) • To use the vocabulary in a control setting and to introduce it in the I have got form

I will divide the students into three groups. I will give them cards of animals and body parts. Then they will have to match the animal with the body part. Then I will check and for each answer write it on the board. For example they will have the word trunk and elephant and I will write An elephant has got a trunk. I will elicit the next sentences from the students and write them on the board. For negative sentences, I will show an animal that hasn't got the feature and have them make sentences. I will elicit at first.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-10 minutes) • To have the students practice identifying animals based on descriptions.

The students will be in pairs. I will give each a work sheet and they will need to match the animal descriptions to the picture. They will then check the answers with a provided answer key. Then we will go over it as a class.

Free Practice (10-10 minutes) • To let students produce descriptions with new vocabulary and structures

Give each pair a photo of an animal and have them write a short description of it using the target vocab and grammar based on the worksheet from the last task. Then I will put the animal flashcards at the board and collect all of the papers. I will give one paper per pair and they have to decide what animal.

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