Sena Ciftci Sena Ciftci

Personality Traits
Upper-Intermediate level


By the end of the class, Ss will have studied and will have been tested on 15 personality traits.


Abc Headway - Upper-Intermediate- Student's Book
Abc Power Point Resentation

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of adjectives in the context of personality traits

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy for pronunciation of 15 adjectives in the context of personality traits


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-T welcomes Ss into the class. -T opens slide 1 and asks them to think about their favourite person when they were a child. - T shares her favourite person as a shild to model. -T nominates Ss and listens to their answers.

Test #1 (10-10 minutes) • To gauge students' prior knowledge of the target language

- T explains to the Ss that they will be answering questions on an online quiz. - T asks Ss to mute their microphones. - T shares the link for Quiz 1 . - T asks Ss to start the Quiz. - After the Quiz ends, T opens the main board and shows the winner and informs Ss about the overall success. - T informs Ss that in the next activity, they will be studying these words they were not able to find on the test.

Teach (15-15 minutes) • To clarify areas of the target language where students had difficulty in the first test stage

- T opens slide 3 on the PPT. - T shows Ss the picture on the slide and asks them to guess what clumsy means. - After a couple of Ss guess anything similar to the correct definition, T shows the next slide and gives the short definition. -T asks Ss to repeat after her and drills the pronunciation of the word.. - T repeats this for the other 14 words.

Test #2 (10-10 minutes) • Check students' use of the target language again and compare with the first test

- T explains to the Ss that they will be doing a second quiz on the same words - T asks Ss to mute their microphones. - T shares the link for Quiz 2. - T asks Ss to start the quiz. - After the Quiz 2 ends, T opens the main board and shows the winner and informs Ss about the overall success. - T shows the most failed questions and their answers.

Free practice (5-6 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

- T opens slide 28. - T asks Ss to chose 4 personality trait and talk about their family members. - T models a personality trait about her father and mother. - T sends Ss into break out rooms in pairs. - When Ss come back after 5 minutes, T ends class and thanks everyone for their contribution.

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