Amy Hanridge Amy Hanridge

TP8 LP_Amy Hanridge
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will be introduced to and will practice grammar of target language of superlatives in the context of talking about world facts and world fact quizzes. This is a grammar practice lesson. The format of this lesson is presentation, practice, production. The lesson will begin with lead-in questions about games or quizzes, related to quizzes about world facts. Then, students will read a short text conversation about a world fact quiz. The text will include some target language in the form of superlatives. Next, students will work through Meaning, Appropriacy, Form, and Pronunciation of the superlatives. The lesson will also include Controlled Practice. The students will also have time in the lesson to practice using the target language in a speaking activity. The teacher will close the lesson with feedback.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of superlatives in the context of talking about world facts.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation about world facts.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask Ss: What is this? This is what? (This is a question.) Nominate Student to read this: "What quizzes or games do you do to pass the time?" "Thank you, Student. You have 2 minutes to tell your partner in a breakout room what quizzes or games you do to pass time. Find out what quizzes or games your partner does, too." FOR EXAMPLE, in my case, I play a WORD SEARCH game on my phone almost every day! How much time do you have? 3 minutes or 2 minutes? (2 minutes) AFTER 2 MINUTES-- "So, Student, what did your partner say" Okay, Good!

Exposure (5-6 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

"This is a TEXT. Can you see my screen? What is the first person's name?" (Abby) "And...?" (Luke) Read for ONE MINUTE and answer the FIRST QUESTION. "Do you need to read quickly or slowly?" (quickly) "For the general idea or for specifics?" (General idea) Do this INDIVIDUALLY and DO NOT click SUBMIT. AFTER 1 MINUTE... "Put your answer in the chat box - What are they talking about?" (Check all Students have answered.)

Highlighting (5-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Show my slides: If I think puzzles are good games and board games are better, the word “better” is a COMPARATIVE, COMPARING puzzles and board games. If I think trivia quizzes are THE BEST GAMES, what would the word “best” be called? Have you heard of SUPERLATIVES before? Today, we practice superlatives! CCQ: Are superlatives words that express the middle range of something, or, in this case, just "so-so" games? (No, the extreme or highest degree of something) "Now, please identify the target language of superlatives on this Google Form." Share the Google Form link in the chat. (AND IT'S ON THE SLIDE) Read the conversation between Abby and Luke again on the Google Form. List the examples of superlatives in the text. THE FIRST ONE HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU. "Just do as many as you can. Do not worry if you can't get them all." Work INDIVIDUALLY. "Students, is this the same conversation, or a different one?" (same) Then, compare answers in pairs VIA PRIVATE MESSAGES. Then, we will all share with OCFB and I'll underline on a google slide as they share with me what they found. I will nominate Ss

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, appropriacy, form, and pronunciation of the target language

MEANING I will ask Ss to complete a short meaning form INDIVIDUALLY, but don't spend too much time, because the meaning of Superlatives is somewhat straightforward. This is Student-centered because they are deciding the meaning individually. THEY WILL SUBMIT THE FORM. "Look at my screen. Take 1 or 2 minutes to complete this form INDIVIDUALLY. Hit 'SUBMIT' when you are finished. Give me a thumbs up emoji when you are done." I WILL DO THE FIRST ONE! - {type in "NO!"} After 1 minute, say, "one minute left" With OCFB, then, I will examine the answers of the class, as a whole, and go over meanings and if any were answered incorrectly, I will go over that in OCFB. APPROPRIACY Google Slide: "Look at my screen. Are any of these superlatives more formal or less formal? Or are they neutral? Type your answer in the chat box." Good. Thank you. FORM (What is the structure of the grammar point you are using?) I will ask my Ss to identity the different components in the structure. I will show Google Slides. "Look at my screen. Complete the form. I WILL DO THE FIRST ONE FOR YOU!" "Do this INDIVIDUALLY FOR 2 OR 3 MINUTES and then submit the form." ICQ: "Student, how much time do you have?" (2 or 3 minutes) "Good. Student, will you submit the form?" ( yes) Good! With OCFB, then, I will examine the answers of the class, as a whole, and if any were answered incorrectly, I will go over that in OCFB. "What did you notice about 'oldest' and 'hottest'?" (Add "-est" to the one-syllable word, but "hot" added a "-t") This procedure is student centered; students are involved in identifying components in the form/structure of the target language of superlatives. PRONUNCIATION at sentence level Focus on elements like a. sentence stress I will read a sentence out loud and will ask Ss to identify which words I am stressing. This helps students identify sentence stress. 1. That's the best use of lockdown. Did I place stress on "best"? (yes) I will ask Ss to drill (repeat, only "theBEST") and once they identify where stresses are we can ask them to repeat after us. ("theBEST" can be combined together, like a contraction) 2. Tokyo is the most expensive city. "Did I place stress on "most"? (yes) "Repeat after me. "most expensive" ("MOSTexpensive") Good!

Controlled Practice (6-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

testing it quickly I will say, "Now, it's time to practice this a little bit, QUICKLY" Procedure, 6 sentences, fill in the gap, complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjective in brackets Ss are shown a DEMONSTRATION Tell Ss- THE FIRST ONE HAS BEEN DONE FOR YOU DO NOT SUBMIT THE FORM, 2 or 3 minutes INDIVIDUALLY ICQs- "Is this an individual task?" (yes) "How much time do you have?" (2 or 3 minutes) Ss are given the link. "Do not submit the form." After the 3 minutes, or when all Ss have completed the form, I will ask Ss to compare answers (VIA PRIVATE MESSAGES) . Then, I will provide feedback in OCFB. (only 6 sentences)

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

(conversation oriented activities with a communicative purpose) I will ask Ss to discuss the following— (Conversation includes the target language) 1. Discuss what world facts you want to know. Ask your partners what world facts they want to know about and why. Use superlatives in your questions and answers. Also discuss which of these places you want to visit. Either take a screenshot of this slide or use the link in the chat box. EXAMPLES: biggest, hottest, most popular, most expensive, best, richest, happiest, most beautiful, oldest MONITOR the pairs in BREAKOUT ROOMS and then be sure to PROVIDE DEC (Delayed Error Correction) FOCUS ON CONTENT AND LANG! Notice GOOD USE OF THE TARGET LANGUAGE and potential mistakes and write those on the FINAL GOOGLE SLIDE or in the chat box and they will need to correct those sentences that are wrong . If time, ask them to correct the sentences in pairs in breakout rooms and then report back in the main zoom room in OCFB.

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