Fernanda Palafox Fernanda Palafox

Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students will practice listening for receptive skills, in the context of unusual achievements, based on some questions they will brainstorm examples of different achievements. Students will learn vocabulary from the text followed by listening to a few seconds of the audio for a general idea of the text and a second listening for more detailed information.


Abc Listening

Main Aims

  • To provide listening practice for gist and detail

Subsidiary Aims

  • To develop students' ability to listen effectively to others


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Set the context using exercise 1 from the book: From the following achievements can you think of an example for each one? Example: The invention of an important piece of technology Answer: The invention of the aeroplane 1. A "basic" scientific advance that we couldn't live without 2. A great step forward in human rights 3. An amazing piece of engineering or architecture

Pre-Reading/Listening (10-12 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible

Work on the meaning and Form of the following words: Development, noun. the stress is in the second syllable de-VE-lop-ment Meaning: the action of someone or something changing and becoming better. Diabetes, noun. The stress is in the second syllable dia-BE-tes Meaning: a serious medical condition in which your body cannot control the amount of sugar in your blood. Rower, noun. The stress is in the first syllable ROW-er Meaning: someone who rows a boat, especially as a sport. Outstanding, adj. The stress is in the second syllable out-STAND-ing Meaning: of an extremely high quality or standard. Regime, noun. The stress is in the second syllable re-GIME Meaning: a system of government or management. I will use pictures.

While-Reading/Listening #1 (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading/listening tasks

Tell students that they will hear an audio to get a general idea of the text and check the boxes from the Google form Check the box that lists the achievements the people in the audio talks about (4 answers) 1. Being able to pay through the internet 2. Awards won for specific achievements 3. Engineering 4. Social or political advance 5. An important technological development 6. A famous person 7. Constant supply of hot and cold water Answers: Being able to pay through the internet Engineering An important technological development Constant supply of hot and cold water After the task we are going to discuss their answers in open class feedback

While-Reading/Listening #2 (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading/listening tasks

Students listen to the audio a second time and complete exercise 3 from the book Listen to five people talking about achievements that they find amazing and answer the questions 1. (person #1) What is the achievement? check the box of the category it falls into 1. A "basic" Scientific advance that we couldn't live without. 2. An Outstanding sporting achievement. 3. An amazing piece of engineering or architecture. 4. An incredible artistic achievement. 5. Answer: An amazing piece of engineering or architecture. 2.(person #1) What reasons does she give for admiring this achievement? 1. I can have a bath everyday. 2. I can wash my dog with hot and cold water. 3. Having a constant supply of hot and cold water running through our houses. 4. Having hot and cold water to wash my hands. Answer: Having a constant supply of hot and cold water running through our houses. 3.(person #2) What reasons does he give for admiring this achievement? 1. I can surf through the internet. 2. I can do all my banking now by internet. 3. I can communicate with other people using my phone. 4. I can google anything I want. Answer: I can do all my banking now by internet. 4. (person #3) What is the achievement? 1. The discovery of an important cure or medicine. 2. An outstanding sporting achievement. 3. A great step forward in human rights. 4. An incredible artistic achievement. Answer: An outstanding sporting achievement. 5. (person #4) Do you agree with what he says? Can you add more arguments to the ones he gives? 6. (person #5) What reasons does he give for admiring this achievement? 1. He fought racial discrimination. 2. He fought social evils in society. 3. He brought down a massive empire without the use of violence. 4. He won his first battle of civil disobedience in India. Answer: He brought down a massive empire without the use of violence. 7. (person #5) Do you agree with what he says? Can you add more arguments to the ones he gives? After answering these questions Ss go into Break out rooms to compare their answers in pairs

Post-Reading/Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

In pairs I will put students into break out rooms, I'm going to ask students: Which of these achievements do you find most/least amazing? Why? this will help students talk freely and to themselves and discuss what they learnt throughout the lesson, afterwards we are going to discuss what their peers said with the whole class for a few minutes.

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