Amy Hanridge Amy Hanridge

TP7 LP_Amy Hanridge
Elementary level


This lesson will introduce and provide practice writing a (short) postcard. The lesson will begin with lead-in questions about sending and receiving postcards. Then, students will read and analyze a short example postcard and students will identify the different sections or parts of the postcard. The text will include some target language in the form of typical sections or parts of the postcard. Next, students will work through Meaning and Appropriacy and briefly the Form of the language on the postcard, such as identifying whether the language is Formal or Informal. The students will have significant time in the lesson to practice using the target language in a writing activity, writing their own short postcards based on the sample. Students will also have time to use a checklist and to evaluate peers' writing of their postcards based on the checklist. The teacher will close the lesson with Open Class feedback.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a short postcard.

Subsidiary Aims

  • • To provide an opportunity to practice reading and evaluating skills by using a checklist to evaluate peers' writing of their own postcards.
  • To provide an opportunity to improve reading and analyzing skills, such as reading a short postcard for gist, and analyzing its parts.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Share Google Slides link in the chat: Ask Ss: What is this? This is what? (This is a chart.) What are these? (Questions) Point to the 3 questions on the shared slide on the screen: "Where did you go for your last vacation?" "What did you like there the most?" "Do you usually send postcards to your friends and family?" "You have 2 minutes to talk with your partners and to write three short answers with your partners to these questions in the chart. Here is the link: Write on the slide with YOUR BREAKOUT ROOM NUMBER. FOR EXAMPLE, in my case, last week, I went to Oregon. (Write "Oregon" in a cell.) I loved the Japanese Garden in Portland, Oregon. (Write "Garden" in a cell.) Yes, I usually send postcards. (Write "yes" in a cell.) How much time do you have? 3 minutes or 2 minutes? (2 minutes) AFTER 2 MINUTES-- "So, Student who said yes to writing postcards, when did you last send a postcard?" Okay, Good! Or, if all said "no!" Review in OCFB and say "Great! Today we practice!"

Exposure (3-4 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

"This is a POSTCARD. Can you see my screen? Is this the front or back of the postcard" (front) "And this? Is this the front or the back of the postcard?" (back) "What are the names of the people who sent this postcard?" (Amy and Jonathan) "To...?" (Kay and Steve) Read for ONE MINUTE and answer the question. Put your answer in the chat box. "Do you need to read quickly or slowly?" (quickly) "For the general idea or for specifics?" (General idea) Do this INDIVIDUALLY. AFTER 1 MINUTE.... "Put your answer in the chat box - What do they like about the place?" (Check all Students have answered.) "Okay. Great!"

Useful Language (6-7 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

MEANING: "Now, select the correct names for these PARTS OF A POSTCARD." "I'LL START" (DEMONSTRATE FIRST ONE) You will answer in Breakout rooms in PAIRS for 2 minutes! --Is this a different postcard, or the same one? (same) --How much time will you have? (2 minutes) "Give me a thumbs up emoji when you are done." AFTER TWO MINUTES-- "Please tell me about item number 2. - "Yes, correct." (Do the same for items 3, 4, and 5) NOW PLEASE VIEW MY GOOGLE SLIDES... APPROPRIACY: "Type in the chat box: Is the language of a postcard Formal or Informal?" (Informal) FORM: RULES OF POSTCARDS-- Guided Discovery task "With your partners, for 2 minutes, list as many rules of postcards as you can notice. (Punctuation, language, fixed language, capitalization, etc.) What MUST be on a postcard?" AFTER 2 MINUTES: Nominate Ss "Student, what did you and your partner decide?" "Students, what else?" --If Ss don't mention a comma after the name, ask CCQs, "What comes after the first names in the Greeting?" (comma) ONLY ASK THESE IF NOT LISTED BY STUDENTS:"What word usually begins a postcard?" (Dear) "How many paragraphs should be in the Body?" (2-4; there's not room for more) "What should be in the Signature Line?" (closing words like "Love" or "Sincerely" and a comma and writer's name) "Must postcards include the Receiver's address?" (yes) "Must postcards include the writer's address?" (no, but can) "Is there Fixed or Semi-Fixed language that MUST be on a postcard?" (Not really; Maybe "Dear" and closing words like "Love or Sincerely" and the writer's name; common is "Wish you were here") "Is language descriptive or plain?" (descriptive) "What makes the language descriptive?" (adjectives, maybe nouns, maybe verbs) "Good!" --

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

SHOW MY SCREEN WITH THE SLIDES AND SHARE THE SLIDE LINK IN THE CHAT AGAIN-- "Remind me, please: The sample postcard was about what?" (Amy's & Jonathan's vacation) "Did they enjoy their vacation?" (yes) Now YOU will have opportunities to write a postcard from the place of your favorite vacation! "INDIVIDUALLY, for 15 or 20 minutes, here in the main Zoom room, write a postcard from the place of your favorite vacation. You choose the person to write to." "FIND YOUR NAME ON the Google Slide with the SAMPLE POSTCARD." I will move between the slide numbers and add some comments. ***"PLEASE READ THE BOX WITH COMMENTS BECAUSE I WILL BE TYPING"*** LET ME SERVE AS AN EXAMPLE...(start typing "Dear Tom, in one of the sample postcards and erase) "Please leave your name in the Speaker Comments but delete it from the postcard." "Do you need to stay in this main Zoom room?" (yes) "When you finish, please give me a thumbs up emoji." After 15 minutes, add a written comment to all in Zoom and also say: "5 minutes left. Read over your postcard and any comments I added and fix any mistakes."

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

"Now, Student, please go to slide number X and with the checklist linked on this Google Form, please read your partner's postcard and answer the questions for 2 or 3 minutes." (Nominate all students to go to a specific slide number) "Student, how much time do you have?" (2 or 3 minutes) "Will you stay in this main Zoom room or go to Breakout rooms?" (stay in the main Zoom room) I will move between the slide numbers and add some comments. ***PLEASE READ THE BOX WITH COMMENTS BECAUSE I WILL AGAIN BE TYPING*** **"WHEN YOU ARE FINISHED PLEASE GIVE ME A THUMBS UP EMOJI"*** "Good. Now, in breakout rooms, with your partner, please give your partner Feedback for 2 or 3 minutes." "Student, how much time do you have?" (2 or 3 minutes) "In this main Zoom room or in Breakout rooms? (Breakout rooms) DELAYED ERROR CORRECTION Offer both Language-centered Feedback, including GOOD USES of language, and type on the final slide "Please help me correct this example"

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