Maryam Maryam

Super Minds starter hello
starter level


In this lesson, Ss learn to greet someone, introduce themselves, and ask someone's name, and then sing a song with the class


Abc track 2
Abc flashcards (Mike, Polly, Leo, Gina)
Abc a soft toy
Abc character masks
Abc WB p2

Main Aims

  • For Ss to present and practice greetings and introductions

Subsidiary Aims

  • For Ss to sing a song with the class


Warmer/Lead-in (5-10 minutes) • To present and practice greetings and ntroductions

-T says Hello! and asks Ss repeat several times -T whispers Hello! and asks Ss to repeat -T sings Hello! and asks Ss to repeat -T shows a soft toy and says "I'm Mary." and repeats several times -T passes the toy to S and asks "What's your name?" -S tells his/her name. -T says "Hello. (name)" and asks Ss to repeat -T practices "What's your name?" with the class -T asks the S with the toy to pass to another S and asks his/her name and the other S tells his/her name and the rest of class say "Hello. (name)" -T continues around the class

Presentation (8-10 minutes) • To present the name of the main characters and to sing a song

-T plays the song -T holds her book up and points to the monkey, the parrot, the lion, and the giraffe in turn -T encourages Ss to do the same -T plays the song again and shows the character flashcards as each character is introduced -T says the names and asks Ss to point to characters in their books -T plays the song again and asks Ss to join in with the last line of each verse and with the last two lines of the song

Practice (2-5 minutes) • To practice recognising the characters

-T points to the example and draws a line to match and says "I'm Mike." -T asks Ss to draw lines to match -Ss show the line and say the name of the character

Ending the lesson (3-5 minutes) • To review character names

-T covers each flashcard with a piece of paper and slowly reveals the picture -T looks at it and asks "What's your name?" -Ss say "I'm (name of character)"

Extension (8-10 minutes) • To review character names

-T gives four Ss the cut-out masks of the character or the flashcards -T says "Hello. (name)" to each of them and asks Ss to repeat -T asks Ss to stand in a circle with the S wearing the mask in the middle -T plays the song -Ss sing and point and wave to the animal in the middle -T repeats with different Ss wearing the masks -T plays the karaoke version when Ss are familiar with the song

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