Amy Hanridge Amy Hanridge

TP6 LP_Amy Hanridge
Elementary level


This lesson will introduce and provide students with practice speaking functional language to give suggestions and to accept or reject suggestions about possible birthday gifts. The lesson will begin with lead-in questions about birthday gifts that will introduce the topic of the lesson. Then, students will read a short text conversation about selecting a birthday gift. The text will include some target language in the form of functional language about suggestions and accepting or rejecting suggestions. Next, students will work through Meaning, Form, and Pronunciation of the suggestions and replies. The students will have significant time in the lesson to practice using the target language in a speaking activity with multiple peers. The teacher will close the lesson with feedback.


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of functional language to give suggestions and to accept or reject suggestions in the context of a friend's birthday.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide an opportuity to practice listening skills by listening to peers' descriptions and experiences.
  • To provide an opportunity to improve reading skills, such as reading for gist.


Lead-in (3-3 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Ask Ss: What is this? This is what? (This is a question.) "What is the BEST birthday present you have ever received?" (Ask Ss by name) "Thank you. You have 2 minutes to tell your partner WHY it was the best birthday present." FOR EXAMPLE, in my case, my best birthday present was THEATER TICKETS from my sister when I first moved to the CITY OF CHICAGO because I was NEW TO THE CITY and wanted to see live theater." How much time do you have? 3 minutes or 2 minutes? (2 minutes) AFTER 2 MINUTES-- "So, Students, why was it your best birthday present?" Okay, Good!

Presentation through the Text (5-6 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading

"This is a TEXT. Can you see my screen? What is the first person's name?" (Laura) "And...?" (Chris) Read for ONE MINUTE and answer the FIRST QUESTION. "Do you need to read quickly or slowly?" (quickly) "For the general idea or for specifics?" (General idea) Do this INDIVIDUALLY and DO NOT click SUBMIT. AFTER 1 MINUTE... "Put your answer in the chat box - What are they talking about?" (Check all Students have answered.) "Okay. Great!"

Language Clarification (7-8 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form, pronunciation, and appropriacy of the target language/functional language

MEANING -- "NOW PLEASE VIEW MY GOOGLE SLIDES..." "Are these four examples for giving suggestions or for asking for information?-- 1. How about buying her a pair of headphones? 2. Why don’t we get her a book? 3. Let’s get her chocolate. 4. What about asking your brother to join us?" (giving suggestions) MEANING- Replies-Which ones agree and which ones disagree? (“I don’t think so,” “Maybe,” “Nope,” “That’s a great idea!” Show the slide with a cline from "disagree" to "neutral" to "agree" and nominate Students to say which ones agree and which ones disagree and write on the shared slide as Students respond FORM -- SHOW MY SLIDE-- FORM- What do we follow these phrases with? 1. “How about” + (?) ["-ing" verb/gerund and a noun phrase] What can we change? (after "how about") Can we change “How about”? (no) Is "How about" fixed? (yes) 2. “What about” + (?) ["-ing" verb/gerund and a noun phrase] What can we change? (after "what about") Can we change “What about”? (no) Is "what about" fixed? (yes) 3. “Why don’t we” + (?) [verb and noun phrase] What can we change? ("we" could be "you" or "I" or a subject) Can we change “Why don’t we”? (only the "we" part for another subject) Is "Why don't we" fixed? (semi-fixed; the "we" part can be changed) 4. “Let’s” + (?) [verb] What can we change? (after "Let's") Can we change “Let’s”? (no) PRONUNCIATION (focus at the sentence level) Read one sentence with a suggestion and three replies to students. Ask Ss if the replies sound positive or negative or if my voice sounds high or low (high for the positive "great" one) “How about buying her chocolate?” (high/positive) --“No, I don’t think so.” (low/negative) --“Maybe.” (low/negative) --“Nope.” (low/negative) --“That’s a great idea!” (very high/positive) Where is the linking? Where are sounds linked together? Where is connected speech? “How about buying her chocolate?” haʊ əˈbaʊt (linking, haʊə) --“That’s a great idea!” ðæts ə (linking, ðætsə) Drill the linking and then the sentences with the whole class. APPROPRIACY "Look at my slide" What is informal/rude, neutral, or polite/formal? Choose from: “How about,” “What about,” “Why don’t we,” “Let’s,” “I don’t think so,” “nope,” “maybe,” and “that’s a great idea” Show the slide with a cline from "informal/rude" to "neutral" to "polite/formal" and nominate Students to say which ones agree and which ones are examples of "informal/rude" or "neutral" or "polite/formal" and write on the shared slide as Students respond

Controlled Practice (10-11 minutes) • Provide controlled practice of the language; To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice of the functional language

(SHOW MY WEBSITE WITH THE GOOGLE FORM) "Now, choose the phrase from each example that is for MAKING SUGGESTIONS." "I'LL START" (DEMONSTRATE FIRST ONE) DO NOT SUBMIT THE FORM, 2 or 3 minutes INDIVIDUALLY CCQs- "Is this an individual task?" (yes) "How much time do you have?" (2 or 3 minutes) Ss are given the link. "Do not submit the form." After the 3 minutes, or when all Ss have completed the form, I will ask Ss to compare answers (VIA BREAKOUT ROOMS) . "You will compare answers in Breakout rooms in PAIRS for 2 minutes." (MONITOR THE BREAKOUT ROOMS!) --How much time will you have (2 minutes) Then, I will provide feedback in OCFB-- AFTER TWO MINUTES-- "Please tell me about item number 2. Yes, correct." (Do the same for items 3 and 4) FORM --(SHOW MY WEBSITE WITH THE GOOGLE FORM) "Now, FILL IN THE GAP with the correct word or phrase." "I'LL START" (DEMONSTRATE FIRST ONE) DO NOT SUBMIT THE FORM, 2 or 3 minutes INDIVIDUALLY CCQs- "Is this an individual task?" (yes) "How much time do you have?" (2 or 3 minutes) Ss are given the link. "Do not submit the form." After the 3 minutes, or when all Ss have completed the form, I will ask Ss to compare answers (VIA BREAKOUT ROOMS) . "You will compare answers in Breakout rooms in PAIRS for 2 minutes." (MONITOR THE BREAKOUT ROOMS!) --How much time will you have (2 minutes) Then, I will provide feedback in OCFB-- AFTER TWO MINUTES-- "Please tell me about item number 2. Yes, correct." (Do the same for items 3 and 4)

Freer Practice (10-11 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice the target functional language

"Remind me, please: The people were talking about what?" (a birthday gift for a friend) "Did they choose a gift?" (yes!) "Now, YOU will have a chance to talk about gifts YOU can get for A TEACHER, like an ENGLISH TUTOR!" "Take turns SUGGESTING a gift for your ENGLISH TUTOR and ACCEPTING OR REJECTING the ideas." You will have 5 minutes. After 5 minutes, I'll put you in different breakout rooms. LET ME START WITH AN EXAMPLE... STUDENT, How about getting Eliberto chocolate cake? "No, I don't think so, I can't mail him chocolate cake." "Do you need to stay in this main Zoom room? (no) After 4.5 minutes, add a written comment to all in breakout rooms: Get ready to talk to another peer! Monitor breakout rooms. If students are quiet, say, "So, Student, who else do you want to get a birthday present for? A friend? Suggest a gift for another person!"

Feedback and Error Correction (6-7 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

"Student, you said... Can you please tell us what your partner suggested?" Thank you. I will nominate some students from different pairs to summarize their conversations. DELAYED ERROR CORRECTION I observed this mistake/these mistakes [type them on the final Google Slide]. You have 2 minutes. Correct the mistakes I observed with your partner. "How much time do you have?" (2 minutes) AFTER THE 2 MINUTES: "So, Student, what did you and your partner do?"

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