Shaimaa Shaimaa

Wr_LP_Shaimaa Alsawy_3D
Level 4 level


In this lesson, students will learn and practice how to write a short article about "Proverbs".


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Main Aims

  • To provide product writing practice of a article in the context of "Your Favorite Proverb".

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a article in the context of "Proverbs: The wisdom that binds us together"


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I'll start the lesson by narrating a story with the support of some pictures; I'll start saying: Yesterday, I was visiting a friend and I left my kids at home. I asked them to behave and be polite until I come back, I also told them that using their tablets is prohibited in my absence. However when I came back home I found that the house was messy and that the tablets are moved from their places. I felt upset and started talking like this: "Why did you use your tablets while I was away? You always remind me with the saying: "When the cat's away, the mice start to play!" Then, I'll ask them about the meaning of the last sentence of my story and whether they have a similar one in their language. I'll give them the definition of the word "proverb" and ask them if they know the word. When they answer me I'll move to the next step.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide a model of production expected in coming tasks through reading/listening

I'll give the students the following instructions: - Now we will open page 28 and read the article entitled "Proverbs: The Wisdom that binds us together" - You have 4 minutes to read the article individually and highlight interesting words and highlight the proverbs in the article. ICQ's: - Are you going to open page 27? (no, 28) - Are you going to read the article in groups? (no, individ) - How much time do you have? (4 min) Then I'll let them read the article. When they come back, I'll ask them the following question: "Do you have similar proverbs as the ones you read in the article in your language?" I'll start receiving answers orally.

Useful Language (8-10 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for coming productive tasks

I'll teach the students the following words using "MPF" (wisdom, memorable, contradictory) For each word: 1- I'll show pictures expressing the word and start asking eliciting questions 2- I'll ask ccq's to ensure that students get the meaning of the word. 3- I'll let the students listen to the word pronounced separately and in a sample sentence. 4- I'll start the drilling, for the whole class and in groups. 5- I'll show the word on the screen.

Context Preparaion (10-15 minutes) • To give the sts the opportunity to brainstorm ideas, take notes, mind map and organize their ideas

I'll deivide my students in 3 groups of five, where they are encouraged to brainstorm related words and draw them in mind maps. They will also be asked to start suggesting ideas related to the topic they are going to write about "My Favorite Proverb" and tell them that they are going to write an article about a favorite proverb: why they like it and how do they use it." Instructions: - I'm going to send you to breakout rooms. - You will work in a group of five. - You have to start brainstorming words, expressions and ideas related to your article. - Write down all the ideas you come up with to use what you find suitable of them in your writing. -Collaborate to organize the ideas and plan for your article.

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

I'll ask students to work individually and start writing the first draft of their article. (15 min.) Then they will work in pairs to give a peer review of each other's work. (10 min.) When they are done, I'll ask them to go and write their final draft that each one of them will share with the whole class. (15 min.) When they finish, each one will read his article. Meanwhile, I'll take notes to gve them feedback after the whole class finish.

Feedback and Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

I'll use the notes I jotted down to give feedback for the whole class, correcting grammar and spelling mistakes in a friendly way. Then I'll show them the appropriate layout of an article explaining the point they need to consider, and I'll ask them to compare their work to this layout."

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