Joanna Pardo Joanna Pardo

Grammar Lesson
Upper-Intermediate level


Abc Language Analysis Sheet
Abc Handouts

Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice the second conditional in the context of crime.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide reading practice of the second conditional.
  • To provide speaking practice of the second conditional.


Lead-in (4-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T begins lesson with brief self introduction. T shares a link through chat with Ss (Lesson Activities) with 8 words related to crime. T also screen-shares Jamboard (slide 1) with these words. T explains first activity of the lesson: "From these 8 types of crime, discuss with your partner which are more common in your country, and which are less common. Discuss for 2 minutes." T will create BoR and monitor as Ss talk about the topic. T brings Ss back to the main session and screen shares Jamboard. Ss share their insights and T shows most common crimes in Mexico. Ss check if their predictions were true.

Text-Work: Exposure (4-5 minutes) • To introduce students to the targe language in context

T begins stage by explaining they Ss will be answering a questionnaire. T shares screen with Ss (Jamboard slide 2) and goes over new instructions: "Answer these 3 questions and write your answers in a piece of paper. We will remain here, you'll have 2 minutes." T allows Ss to answer the questions (1.5 minutes should be enough time). T anounces time is up and breaks out the class into pairs. "Talk about your answers with your partner, and see if you would do the same things. Talk for 2 minutes". T monitors BoR and, depending on the Ss' conversations, ends BoR session after 1.5 minutes. Ss share their answers with the class during OCFB.

Text-work: Highlighting (5-6 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

T asks Ss to look at the text again (T shares screen with Jamboard slide 2) and find the answers that mean "maybe". "Look at the questionnaire again and find the answer that means 'maybe' for each question. Do this individually, you have 2 minutes." T allows Ss to find the answers, when time is up T jots the sentences down in Jamboard as Ss bring them up: - I'd go over the speed limit if there weren't any speed cameras around. - If I really needed it, I might keep it. - If no one else saw the boy, I could just tell him to return the things he'd stolen.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T shares Google Form link with Ss and gives new instructions while sharing the screen with the form. "Look at the sentences you found, and answer the questions in the link. You will work in pairs for 3 minutes. Do you have the link open? (Yes). Where will you be answering? (In the link)" T creates BoR and monitors task. Depending on Ss progress, T shortens stage and brings Ss back to the main session. T shares screen (Jamboard slide 4) and asks answers from Ss as follows: For Meaning section, T writes down Ss answers in the slide and checks understanding with CCQs: • Are we talking about the past, present, or future? (Present or future) • Is this a real or an imaginary situation? (Imaginary) • How probable is the if clause? (Improbable or unreal) • Can the “would” clause happen without the if clause happening? (No) For Form section, T changes to slide 5 and jots down Ss answers. If Ss have trouble answering, T elicits correct answers from other students and shows the TL sentences. If clause Main clause If + past simple, + would/wouldn’t + infinitive could might For pronunciation, T shares Jamboard slide 7 and goes over stressed words, intonation and linking. T models sentence and drills chorally and individually.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T shares new link with Ss to begin Controlled Practice. While screen sharing, T gives new instructions: "In the form, fill in the gaps with the correct tense of the verbs and the correct modal verb. You will be working alone, you have 3 minutes. Don't send your answers yet. What are you going to write in these gaps? (The verbs) Will you submit the form after you're done? (No)" T allows Ss to work alone for 3 minutes. When time is up, T gives out new isntructions: "You will be cheking your answers with a partner. Discuss your answers for 2 minutes." T creates BoR and monitors as Ss discuss their answers. T pays attention to Ss who might be struggling with the task. T brings Ss back to the main session and asks for answers from Ss. T elicits answers from Ss who might have been struggling during the task. For incorrect answers, T asks other students and brings up the form slide if necessary. Answers: Q: If someone offered you a job in the USA, would you accept it it? A: I would not take the job if my family didn't want me to. Q: If you found a lottery ticket in the street and it had the winning number, would you collect the money? A: Yes, I would/might collect the money if I didn't find the owner. Q: If some friends asked you to look after their four cats for a month, would you agree to do it? A: No, I wouldn't do it, even if they offered to pay me!

Free Practice (8-9 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T new link with Ss through chat (Lesson Activity- Task 4), shares screen with Ss and goes over new instructions. "In pairs, ask each other the questions you just created. You can find more examples in the link. Let's do this for 4 minutes. What questions will you be asking each other? (The ones in the link)" T monitors Ss as they speak in the BoR. T takes note of correct and incorrect use of the TL, or common mistakes there are no misuses. When time's up, T goes over language feedback in the main session. T projects examples of good/bad sentences and asks Ss to correct them if necessary. T wraps up the session.

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