Isabel Isabel

TP 4- Grammar lesson
Upper intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of present and past habits, repeated actions and states in the context of (un)healthy eating

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of (un)healthy eating


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will welcome Ss and tell them "today I want to make you a confession: "on weekends, I give myself permission and I eat what I like even I know this is not very good food (show a picture of Doritos Nachos) but during the week I will normally have a lot of vegetables and fruits. (show a picture of vegetables). I will ask Ss to write a list of three types of food that are good for you and three that aren¨t, then I will ask them to work in pairs and compare lists. Instructions: Now I want you to write down in your notebook a list of three types of food that are good for you and three that aren´t. I will give you one minute to do it. (show the jamboard with the same instructions). (after one minute) Ok, now I want you to work in pairs and compare your lists. (send to BORs) you have 3 minutes for this conversation.

Exposure to the TL- Text work (gist) (3-4 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through listening a conversation between two people

I will ask Ss to listen to a conversation between two people and identify who is Healthy/Unhealthy. When audio is finished I will ask them to share their answers and make some comments to support their answers Instructions: I want you to listen to this two people talking about their eating habits and identify who is healthy and who is unhealthy. (after audio) so, can you share your answer? why do you think Guy is unhealthy? and why do you think Jasmin in healthy? . Ok well done, let´s move to the next one.

Text word - Intensive, Highlighting (2-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I will ask Ss to listen to the audio again, but this time they have to identify who said what. I will show the sentences first and then I will play the audio. When finished I will ask them to share answers. Instructions: ok, now I will ask you to listen to the audio again, but this time you need to identify who said which sentence (show them the sentences in the google forms and select one as an example) you have to select for each sentence if it was said by Guy or Jasmin. Play audio I want you now to share your answers. So, can you tell me what sentences did Guy say? good, and now can you tell me what sentences did Jasmin say? (while checking on answers I will show a jamboard with the picture of Guy and Jasmin and the sentences, I will move them to the respective persons while they give me the answers. Answer key: 1-3 Guy, 4-6 Jasmin

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning I will ask Ss to work in pairs in a jamboard and accomodate the sentences in the timeline according to the time they happen. I will provide each group with a different jamboard so they can work interactively. Ss will work in BORs for 3 minutes and then we will do FB together. For checking understanding, I will use the same jamboard and ask them to give the answers, then I will ask some CCQs to confirm. Instructions: Now I want you to work in pairs in an interactive board. Each group will have one board to work on, (show jamboard) what you will do is move the sentences to the timeline according to the time they happen. One person can open the link that I will send you and work on this. You will do it like this (show how to do it). ok so group 1 is X and Y, here is your link in the chat, and group 2 is A and B, here is your link in the chat. Now I will send you to BORs and see you back in 3 minutes. FORM I will use the same timeline to explain the use on each sentence

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

I will ask students to work in a task to select the correct verb forms. There are two options in each sentence, in some cases only one option is the correct one and for some others both options are possible. Instructions: Now let´s move to another exercise, (show handout on screen) Look at these sentences. In each sentence there are two options of verb forms, you have to identify if the two are possible or select the only one which is correct. (read the first sentence and elicit to students). I will share with you this handout (send link by chat) you can write the right option in your notebook. You have 4 minutes to answer it and we will check the correct answers altogether. (after 4 mins) ok now, S name can you tell me what you choose for sentence1? (and so on for the 6 items). Answer key: 1-I had, 2-it used to be, 3-they´re always changing their advice.,4-I walk / I´ll walk, 5-I didn´t use to like, 6-I always worry/Im´always worr,ying 7-I tried

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I will ask students to think about differences between their life five years ago and their life now. I will provide some ideas. Then I will ask them to work in groups and discuss how their life is different. At this point I will be able to monitor BORs and identify any corrections to be made In DEC I will show them the notes I made during monitoring and ask them to identify the mistakes and give me the right form. Instructions

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