Gabriela Berezowsky Gabriela Berezowsky

TP4 Grammar - Have to / had to
Pre-intermediate level


Positive and negative form using Have to in present simple and past simple.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of Have to / Had to in the context of employment

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in an informal conversation in the context of jobs or studying experiences


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show slide 1. I will ask students to talk about what they have to do in their jobs (current or previous), set BOR and give the following instructions: - Share with your peers 2 or 3 phrases about what you have to do in your job, consider HAVE TO or HAD TO as a basic part of this lesson. - If you don't have a job, think about a previous one or what you had to do at school -For example Adrian, I remember you are a risk analyst, right? I'm sure you have to prepare reports, and you also have to analyse numbers... - Be brief! you only have 2 minutes. Monitor to find FB opportunities. After 2 minutes, ask Ss to share 1 phrase using TL.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Share the link with exercises in the chat, ask them to open it nad NOT close it because all our activities are in the same link. (TP4 - exercises) Share on screen the pictures - slide 2. T - Ask one Ss to match each picture with a profession. 1 min T- For the next activity I need you to read the text (show slide 3 on screen) paying attention to what they have to or don't have to do. Use the chat to write the sentences you find. You have the text in the link. 2 min * Read the sentences the Ss wrote, use the transcript for support showing text in slide 4 with TL in blue. 2 min

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

MEANING/ APPROPRIACY Show slide 5, explain that the TL in the positive form indicates obligation, show examples form the previous exercise. In the negative form means there is no action to take. Slide 6: Show the different versions and meaning in present, past, positive and negative: Have to / don’t have to is used to say it is / is not necessary to do something Had to / didn’t have to is used to say it was / it wasn’t necessary to do something Ask Ss if it is a semi formal, formal or informal expression. Explain it is semi formal, MUST is formal, GOT TO and GOTTA are informal. FORM How do we make sentences using HAVE TO? Show the structure in the chart: Present simple: explain different use based on the subject (I, you, we, they – have to. He, she, it -has to)  Positive: have to / has to + infinitive  Negative: don’t / doesn’t have to + infinitive Past simple: this form is used for all subjects  Positive: had to + infinitive  Negative: didn’t have to + infinitive PRONUNCIATION. Slide 8 Have as an independent word sounds /ˈhæv/ with V at the end Have to changes V for F /ˈhæf/ and the vowel sound in TO /ˈtu/ changes to a schwa /tə/. Thus HAVE TO /ˈhæv/ + /ˈtu/ becomes haftə slide 9: Show stress words and intonation within phrases, play the audio as support material. Ask the following CCQs: Is it used to express possibility? NO Can you use have to in questions? YES, IE: do you have to speak two languages? Is “have to” applicable for all subjects? No, we use HAS to for he, she, it Are there any synonyms or formal/informal ways to say it? Yes – got to, gotta, must Do we change the tense of the verb or the TL to say it in past simple? Ie: I have to went or I had to go. The TL

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Show slide 10, share the link, explain the activity: T - I need you to fill in the gaps the following text, it's about Bernie's training. Take 1 minute to read the text, let me know if there are unknown words. Once we are clear, take your notebook and pen or cellphone, read carefully and put the correct version of have to in the gaps. ICQs: Do we have to read out loud? NO Are we working in groups? NO Do you have to send me the answers? NO You have 2 minutes After that time, I will send Ss to BOR for them to check answers with peers for 2 more minutes. Monitor to find FB opportunities OCFB for 2 more minutes

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Show slide 11. give the following instructions: T- now tell us about you, choose any of the options or think about something you want to share with the group, but you HAVE TO use have to, had to and all the forms we learnt today. In case you closed the link, it is in the chat again (share link). Take 4 minutes, everybody has to share something! Monitor for FB opportunities. OCFB. Depending on time left, ask them to share 1 or 2 comments. DEC.

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