Shaimaa Shaimaa

Shaimaa Alsawy_Task7_LP_3A
Pre-intermediate level


In this lesson, Sts will learn how to use “have to, has to, had to” to express necessity in positive and negative cases, focusing on form, pronunciation, and when to use it, through controlled and freer practice. The method used in this lesson is ppp.


Abc Lesson PPt
Abc Lesson Handout

Main Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, Sts will be introduced to the MPF of the usage of "have to" and had to" to express necessity in the context of personal situations.

Subsidiary Aims

  • By the end of this lesson, Sts will be provided with practice to master using "have to" and "had to" to express necessity in the context of in different personal situations of everyday life.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

A presentation including some pictures of people doing different activities will be shown to the students. I will start by a picture of a person who is studying and thinking of the day of graduation, then the teacher will ask the students “What does Nader have to do to reach his goal? When the students start suggesting sentences such as "Nader has to study hard", I will do the modelling and start the drilling (for all students, pairs of students, and individually) I will repeat the previous steps with more pictures to elicit the TL sentences. *The pictures used are showing the following: - A picture of a woman with her kids telling her that they are hungry. (I'll ask the sts: "What does the mother have to do now?" ->Expected answers: She has to prepare lunch./ She has to cook for them ...etc - A picture of two kids who are fighting while their mother is looking angrily at them. (I'll ask the sts: What do you think the mother is telling her kids?" -> Expected answers: You have to stop fighting./ You have to be quiet. ...etc

Expand Context (2-3 minutes) • To provide context of the target language through a text or situation

I will display a 20-second video showing 8 items that a person has to take when they go to the beach. After sts watch the video, I'll ask sts to work in groups of 4 in breakout rooms(The overall number of students is 8) and talk about the items a person has to take to the beach using the TL. I'll tell them that Nora is going to the beach, and I 'll ask 2 students in each group to talk about what Nora has to take (ex: Nora has to take sunglasses.". I'll ask the the other 2 students in each group to talk in the first person. I'll give them an example: "I have to bring lip balm." After watching the video, I'll give the following instructions: - I'll send you to breakout rooms. - In each room there will be 4 of you. - 2 of you will speak about what Nora has to take to the beach "Nora has to ....." - The other 2 will talk about what they have to take to the beach :I have to ...." Then I'll ask the following ICQ's - Are you going to discuss in pairs or groups of 4? (Grouops of 4) - Are you going to discuss or write sentences? (Discuss) - How many sentences are you going to produce in each room? (4)

Clarification (5-6 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, pronunciation and form of the TL

I'll start clarifying the MPF of the TL; ("have to" and "had to" for necessity). First, I'll close my camera and ask the students: "What do I have to do so that you can see me?" I'll try to clarify the meaning by eliciting the sentence "You have to open the camera". Then I'll ask "Why?" I expect a student to say "It's necessary so that we can see you." Then I'll ask them "What did I have to so that you can see me? I expect them to say "You had to open the camera." Meaning: To clarify the meaning, I'll highlight the following: - We use "have to" when we want to express necessity in the present. - We use "had to" if we want to express necessity in the past. CCQ's: - Do we use "have to" to express necessity in the present or the past? (present) - What do we use to express necessity in the past? (had to) Pronunciation: - I'll use an audio track for the sts to listen to the correct pronunciation of "I've /aɪv/ , I have /aɪ hæv/, You've /juːv/, You have /jə hæv/, They've /ðeɪv/, They have /ðeɪ hæv/, We've /wiːv/, We have /wiː hæv/. - I'll try to make sure that they can identify the difference between the pronunciation of the full form and the contracted form of each. I'll pick 4 students; each one will try to pronounce one of the elements both in the full form and the contracted form. Form: I'll clarify that we express necessity in the present using "have to/ has to" as follows: - I/You/We/They + have to +inf. - He/She/It +has to+ inf. Ex: We have to do our homework. Ex: He has to pay the fees. I'll clarify that we express necessity in the past using "had to" as follows: - I/You/We/They/He/She/It + had to + infinitive Ex: She had to come earlier.

Controlled Practice (2-3 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Sts are asked to answer Ex.1 in the handout they have downloaded from the lms in the chat box. In this exercise, sts will have to fill the gaps in 5 sentences using "have to/ has to/ or had to". I'll view the exercise on the screen, then I'll ask the students to start sending me the answer of each sentence in the chat box after I read it. ICQ: Are you going to answer me orally or in the chat box? (Chatbox) Are you going to answer them one by one after I read each? (Yes)

Free Practice (2-3 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

I'll show students a picture of a class room that have a teacher and her students with their names written above them and ask sts to work in pairs to talk about what each person has to do in class during the lesson. They are free to talk about individual persons or groups of people. I'll give them 2 examples: - Laura has to stop talking. - John and Mike have to focus.

Plenary (3-4 minutes) • To wrap up the lesson and give students feedback

I'll ask students to tell me one thing they have to do today in the chatbox and I'll read their sentences out loud.

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