Joanna Pardo Joanna Pardo

Listening Lesson


Abc face2face Upper Intermediate Student's Book

Main Aims

  • To provide listening practice for specific information and detail in the context of first impressions.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of first impressions.
  • To provide clarification of lexis about instincts in the context of first impressions.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To generate interest in the topic

T will do a brief self-introduction and start the lesson right away. T will show Ss a picture of a famous couple and ask them if they know who they are. T will provide details if the class does not know the couple. T will tell Ss about the couple's love-at-first-sight story, and proceed to ask the class: "Do you believe in love at first sight?" T will nominate 2 Ss if voluntary participation does not occur. T will nominate 2 different students and ask the question: "Do you believe in hate at first sight?"

Pre-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To prepare students for vocab that could block them from understanding the listening

T will start the stage by explaining Ss that they will be going over new vocabulary. The new vocabulary (blocking lexis) is: To advertise Gut Qualification Hunch T will show Ss 4 sentences with highlighted words (the blocking lexis) and ask Ss to work in pairs trying to match them with their meanings. "Please open the link I sent in the chat, you will see 4 sentences with highlighted words. I will be dividing you in pairs to work on matching each word to its meaning. You have 2 minutes. So, where are you going to see the sentences? (In the link) What do you have to do with the highlighted words? (Find their meaning) How long are we working on this? (2 minutes)" T will create breakout rooms and monitor the activity as it goes on. T will bring Ss back to the main session after the 2 minutes are over, and ask Ss for their answers one by one in order of appearance in Zoom window. T will allow other Ss to provide corrections in case of wrong answers. After going over each word, T will add CCQs (listed in Language Analysis Sheet) to help with complete understanding if Ss struggled with words. In the case of "gut", T will include CCQs in order to introduce "gut feeling". T will revise form by asking students what part of speech each word is. T will add visual with Jamboard, slide 3. If first S is wrong, T will ask for help from other students. T will go over pronounciation. For each word, T will ask for the number of syllables, the stressed syllable, and the intonation (if necessary). All words will be discussed. Choral repetition and individual repetition with random Ss.

Listening for Specific Information (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging specific information listening tasks

T will share new link with Ss and go over the following instructions: "Please refresh your link or open it again, it's in the chat. I will give you a minute to read the questions in the link carefully. Please open the link and read the questions." T will allow a moment for Ss to read the questions before getting their attention again. T will share new instructions: "I will play an audio, please concentrate on answering the questions. We will remain in this session, just pay attention and answer the 4 questions. Do you have a notebook ready? (Yes)" T will play the audio only once for this stage. After it is over, T will ask Ss to discuss their answers in pairs. "I will let you discuss your answers quickly with a partner, I will be dividing you into pairs again. See if you have the same answers, and we will discuss when you come back. You have 2 minutes." T will monitor each session while Ss compare answers. T will welcome Ss back to the main session when time is up, and ask Ss "What was the main topic of the audio? Did they talk about first impressions of things, places, or people?" T will use Jamboard to collect answers from the 4 questions. T will ask for help from other Ss if given the wrong answers.

Listening for Detail (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

T will ask for Ss attention and introduce the second listening task. T will put new task (Google Form) on the chat and explain the new activity: "Please refresh the link or open it again, it's in the chat. I will give you a minute to read the new questions." After Ss have read the questions, T will give the following instructions: "I will play the audio again, please answer the questions as you listen, but don't send your answers yet. Where are you going to answer? (On the Google Form link in the chat). Are you going to send your answers when you are done? (No)" T will play the audio for the second time (first was during Listening for Specific Information stage). When audio is done, T will break the class up into breakout rooms for peer checking. "I will put you in pairs again so you can check your answers together. See if you agree or disagree with your partenrs' answers. You will have 2 minutes to discuss. Do you have your questions still open? (Yes)" T will monitor breakout rooms evenly. T will welcome Ss back to the main session. T will share the screen with Jamboard slide 5 and go over the answers one by one with Ss in order of appearance on the Zoom window. After each answer, T will ask for the reason that answer was chosen, or ask another student if they agree if the answer was wrong. In case of struggle, T will play the clips with the answers as follows: Q: The company already has an accountant. A: True. They are looking for another accountant. 00:00 - 00:05 Q: Hal and Peter will start interviews for the job later that afternoon. A. False. They have already begun interviewing. 00:05 – 00:10 Q: Hal’s first impression of the first applicant didn’t change, not even after 30 minutes of interviewing him. A: True 00:31 – 00:41 Q: Tracy mentions the book by Malcolm Gladwell’s book because they were talking about love at first sight. A: False. They are talking about first impressions, love at first sight is mentioned later. 00:54 - 01:03 Q: Gladwell believes we follow our instincts too often. A: False. He reckons people should go with their gut feelings more often. 01:06 - 01:10

Post-Listening (5-7 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text, expand on what they've learned, and practice speaking

T will screen-share Jamboard slide 6 with Ss. T will ask Ss the question "What would you have done if you were Hal? Would you have interviewed that person again? Would you follow your insticnts?" If time is short (only 2-3 minutes left), T will ask Ss these questions in the main session. If time allows (5+ minutes left), T will divide Ss into breakout rooms and allow a quick discussion before Open Feedback in the main session. T will thank Ss for their time and wrap up the lesson.

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