Sarah Sarah

B1 level


In this lesson students will speak about the environment and how to protect it. They will also speak about the increasing population and how this affects the environment negatively.


Abc Course book (F2F)
Abc Course book (F2F)

Main Aims

  • To raise students awarness of the importace of protecting the environmet.
  • To provide fluency in the context of environment.

Subsidiary Aims

  • Encourage students (especially the shy ones) to speak and express themselves freely in English.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Warmer: The teacher tells the students a riddle, they think about it and answer it. The riddle: What can't be used before it's broken? The Answer: An egg. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Lead in: The teacher starts with this question: What do you think is the meaning of the adjective Eco Friendly? Students try to guess, the teacher helps them, explaining that eco friendly means not harmful to the environment. The teacher then shows the students some pictures and they are supposed to decide which of these things are eco friendly and which aren't.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • Teach some inputs that will help them speak about the targeted topic.

The teacher uses MPF to explain these words: green energy Global warming Climate change Pictures are shown to the students. Eliciting questions are asked like: What can you see in the picture? Do you think it's eco friendly? Why? Do you think it's a good thing or a bad thing? Then the teacher explains their meanings, asks some CCQs and pronounces the words for them. Green energy is that which comes from natural sources, such as the sun. CCQs Is it artificial or natural? Natural. Does it cause pollution? No. Global warming is a gradual increase in the overall temperature of the earth's atmosphere. CCQs Does the temperature go up or down? Up. Is it a sudden increase? No. Climate change is a long-term change in the average weather of the Earth. CCQs Is it a long term changs? Yes. Finally the teacher shows the form of each word.

Planning Stage (8-10 minutes) • To help the students to plan and arrange their ideas.

The teacher starts a casual discussion with the students to help them plann their speaking and enspire them with ideas about the topic. What is the environment? What is pollution? Is it good for the invironment? Do you think pollution is getting better or worse? What can we do about that? What is population? How bad can it affect the environment?

Productive Task(s) (18-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

While Speaking Stage: Controlled Practice: In pairs you are going to answer Ex. 2a Page 39 each one of you is supposed to answer three sentences by ticking true if you think they are and you will follow the alphabetical order. You have four minutes to finish this exercise. ICQs Are you going to answer individually? No, in pairs. Who is going to start Ahmed or Mohamed? Ahmed.(alphabetical order) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Freer practice The teacher asks the students a question that triggers them to start speaking and expressing their ideas concerning the topic. How can we save and protect our environment!

post speaking stage (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

Simulation In groups, students pretend they are having a city council meeting to decide what procedures can be made to try to solve the pollution and population problems. Each student has a different role to play. Feedback The teacher elicits from the students their own feedback about the things they thought they could have done better. Finally, The teacher introduces his own feedback on the mistakes he noticed while monitoring the class. The feedback is introduced as general feedback on common mistakes.

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