Christian Jesus Lopez Benitez Christian Jesus Lopez Benitez

TP4 LP_ Christian Jesus Lopez Benitez
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will be exposed to the grammar was/were + adjective + infinitive by guided discovery through a text in the context of family activities. They will obtain better understanding of its meaning, form and pronunciation by discovering by themselves with teacher's guidance. Therefore, they will be enable to use the grammar in a controlled and freer practice.


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Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of was/were + adjective + infinitive in the context of family activities.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a anecdote in the context of family activities


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

I will present a slide with the following information for students to discuss in pairs (Google slides): • Think about an activity you did with your family before. • How was it? • What was your feeling? There are some visuals that illustrate family activities to help students get a broader idea. Students discuss in pairs to allow them to communicate and exchange ideas. (Break out rooms). I will conduct brief class feedback in the main room by nominating some students to share to the class.

Exposure (2-3 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

I will ask the students to read a text where the target language is included into the context of family activities . They read it individually and quickly. (Google slides) When they finish I will ask the students to tell me in a general idea what the text is about.

Highlighting (3-4 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

I will ask students to read the text again and find in the text similar sentences as the examples in bold included for them to identify the target language (was/were + adjective + infinitive. I will send them a link to the text where they will work individually in each page. After I will ask them: • Do the sentences refer to present or past events? • What do these sentences have in common?

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Students are presented with some marker sentences which will help the me to check students’ understanding of the target language using Concept Checking Questions, elicit the form, as well as elicit the stress in the sentences and important details about pronunciation by drilling chorally and individually if necessary. The first aspect to be analyzed will be meaning, then form and finally pronunciation (Target Language Analysis Sheet). Marker sentences: • I was impatient to get there. • We were excited to explore nature. I will guide and encourag students to be the ones who discover MFP. (Google slides)

Controlled Practice (7-8 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students practice the target language in an exercise where they have to fill the blank by choosing the right option. They will practice with the affirmative and negative form of was/were + adjective+ infinitive. Students complete this exercise individually (Google forms). After students finish, they will compare in pairs their answers to build confidence and encourage peer teaching. (Break out rooms) I will conduct open class feedback on the task to clarify any possible doubts and motivate students on their work.

Freer Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice of the target language

Students will speak in pairs about an activity they did with their family in the past. They have to include 2 affirmative sentences and 2 negatives using the grammar was/were + adjective + infinitive. (Breakout rooms) I will conduct open class feedback on the task by selecting some students to share to the class what they shared in pairs. I will monitor students to check how they are using the target language and how they establish communication and convey meaning of their messages. Delayed Error Correction I will conduct delayed error correction based on the oral participation of the students. I will select items of language that need to be improved by the students regarding the target language or aspects about pronunciation and accuracy in general. (Google slides).

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