Sofia Hirvonen Sofia Hirvonen

TP 8
Elementary level


In this lesson, the students will practice speaking in the context of travelling. They will do a listening activity, where they will fill in gaps with correct words. Then a short introduction/review to present continuous. After this they will do controlled activity. Then they will do a disappearing dialogue activity, where they will practice speaking by trying to memorize the conversation, as the amount of scaffolding decreases. At the end of the lesson, they will do a mingling activity by asking each other questions.


Abc Global (Elementary), Unit 8, pg. 93
Abc Handout given by the T
Abc Pictures
Abc Powerpoint

Main Aims

  • To practice speaking in the context of travelling

Subsidiary Aims

  • To introduce/review and practice present continuous


Introduction (3-3 minutes) • To set the context for the listening

T will put a picture of a woman and pictures of London on the WB. T will say, that her name is "Sally". T asks the Ss "Where is Sally" and tries them get them to say "London". T explains that Sally is a tourist and in London. She is trying to take the train but needs to ask advice.

Test Teach Test: Present continuous (3-3 minutes) • To learn the previous knowledge of the students

T will give the Ss an activity, where they need to fill the gaps with correct forms of the verb. The verb is in brackets. T: Write the correct form of the verb. You will see the verb here (pointing to the brackets while chesting).

Listening: Dialogue in a metro station (2-2 minutes) • To introduce the present continuous and build foundation for the upcoming speaking activities

T: Let's listen to the conversation Sally has. T: Check your answers and correct them. The Ss will listen to a dialogue and write the correct words in the blank spots while listening. The Ss will listen the dialogue twice.

Grammar (7-8 minutes) • To introduce/review present continuous

T writes on the WB: "A train ______ now" and asks the Ss what to write on the empty spot. After getting the answer (or giving it) T writes on the WB a timeline ------------------------------------x---------------------------------------> past now future T ask the Ss "when is the train coming?" The Ss say "now" T asks "is the train quickly here (snaps fingers) or it takes few minutes" T clarifies by giving another example. T asks random Ss what other student is doing. T "Ibrahim, what is Ulvi doing?" If he says he sits T ask did Ulvi sit for a long time or just for a short time (snaps fingers)" T draws another timeline to clarify this. T ask CCQs from the students by asking what other Ss are doing.

Controlled activity: Gap fill (2-3 minutes) • To practice the present continuous

T tells the Ss that Sally is now in Istanbul as a tourist. She is again asking help from somebody. T: Fill the gaps in the dialogue. T: Work in pairs

Answer checking and reading the dialogue (3-3 minutes) • To check the answers and practice speaking

T will give the correct answers on a PP and ask the Ss to read the dialogue with their pairs, by switching the roles at least ones.

Speaking: Disappearing dialogue (10-10 minutes) • To practice speaking

T will put a dialogue on the WB by using a PW. T will ask the Ss to read the dialogue in pairs. T will emphasize that they need to read the dialogue at least ones both of them (to change the lines). After this T will change the pairs and asks them to read the conversation again. T puts on a new slide, where the same conversation is put some words are missing. The Ss need to come up with the words that are missing. After this T will again change the pairs and puts on a new slide (again with less words). The final slide doesn't have many lines in it, and the Ss are supposed to produce the lines by themselves.

Freer speaking activity: Find someone who (5-5 minutes) • To practice (a bit) freer speaking

T will give each student a card that says a name of a place and a name of transportation. Then T will give them a find some who activity sheet, but it doesn't contain the actual questions, just the name of the places and the names of the transportation vehicles. By asking, "Where are you going", they will find the person who is going to that place. By asking "How are you going there?", they will find out by how.

IF-Time activity: Preparing a dialogue (5-5 minutes) • To reinforce the previously learnt

T will divide the Ss into pair and ask them to write their own dialogue. T says Sally need again some advice and the Ss will write the dialogue. T gives each pair a place where Sally is and where she wants to go. Haciosman -----> Taksim Yenikapi ---------> Osmanbey Sishane ---------> Sisli-Mecidiyeköy

IF-Time activity: Practicing the prepared dialogue (5-5 minutes) • To practice speaking

T will ask the Ss to practice the dialogue they just wrote in pairs.

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