Daniel Daniel

TP8 - Grammar


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of double comparatives in the context of global problems

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide detailed and gist reading practice using a text about poverty
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of fixing Mexico's problems


Warmer/Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Images and a question is posited: "What will be the biggest problem the planet faces in the next 5/10 years?" Students will provide responses on a sticky-note, ideas will be discussed and T will elicit additional detail from a range of students.

Exposure (7-8 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

The students are both instructed to read the introductory paragraph of the text and Tasks whole class "Do you think these problems are easy to solve?" Ideas are briefly discussed to establish a general understanding of the text's topic. Group A of students are instructed to read the first column of text and Group B, to read the second column of text. Each group will answer 3 questions which highlight the TL. They will decide if a given statement is true or false from their reading of that section. i.e. "The more children work on farms, the less education they have". The groups will be mixed up in private discussion and a student from Group A will tell a student from Group B, their questions and answers they found from their section of text. T will elicit answers from pupils and ask some CCQs such as "where can we check that this is true in the text?"

Clarification (12-15 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Meaning. A sample sentence from the text or reworded from the text is broken into 2 parts. The students will work in pairs to match the action to the consequence. i.e. "The safer parents feel about their child’s health"...with......."the fewer children they have". CCQ asked - "Are we talking about something real? In present tense? or something hypothetical? "How many parts of the sentence are there? Does part 1 have an effect on part 2?" Form An example sentence using 'safer' as the comparative adjective is displayed and the structure/order of word classes is shown visually. The students are asked CCQ, what is the difference in the 2nd sentence (a sentence using 'more'). he students will have elements of the sentence broken up into categories/morphemes and the students will work in Paris to quickly order the words into a coherent sentence. T quickly reviews some examples students provide. Pronunciation As whole class... T pronounces example sentences and asks student to identify between 3 options, where the intonation rises and falls - writing their answer ion a chat-box. T will drag visuals to identify the main and secondary sentences stresses. following responses from rising intonation questions. T will ask CCQ regarding phoneme in 'aid' to ensure correct sound pattern Appropriateness T will ask CCQs from 2 example sentences. (1 sentences gives an opinion using the structure and 1 gives the same opinion, not using the structure). Students asked which sentence: if phrased more like a fact/opinion? Is in more written/spoken language? Is more formal/less formal Summary over 3 main concepts of M, F, P, A.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Students are presented with a series of statements regarding potential solutions to problems in Mexico. (crime, poverty, dilate change, resources, etc). The sentences provided have the comparative omitted and the students work individually to select the most appropriate comparative to complete the meaning of the sentence. If time allows, student will compare their answers with a partner before OCFB. T will elicit answers from students and elicit further detail if needed. Perhaps asking CCQs such as "why would this answer not be appropriate?"

Free Practice & DEC (10-12 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Students are presented with: "Mexico faces many problems in the coming years: poverty, a lack of resources, climate change and corruption." Students will work with a partner to practice speaking skills using the TL. they will choose a problem and come up with possible solutions/ways that this problem can be helped. T will give example before assigning BOR. The Teacher will observe language usages and provide DEC, complimenting the students' usage of the TL and eliciting ideas from other students as to how errors and word choices can be reformulated.

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