Erika Janai Erika Janai

Grammar TP3
Upper Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To introduce and practice wishes and hopes.
  • Students will be able to practice and revise structures to express probability.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students reading and speaking practice in the context of imaginary situations in the present or the future during the controlled practice and during the freer practice.


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The teacher presents three different pictures regarding fountains of wishes to introduce the topic: wishes and hopes. The teacher asks students: "Do you know why people throw coins into fountains?". (2 minutes) The teacher asks students two questions in pairs using breakout rooms: a)Have you ever wish something? Why? b)Have you ever hope for something? Why? (3 minutes)

Exposure/Text work (7-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language through a text or situation

The teacher mentions students will read a text quickly and answer three questions. Learners will use a Google Form. (2 minutes) Students will compare their answers in pairs using private messages. (3 minutes) The teacher checks learners' answers and provides open class feedback. (2 minutes) The teacher asks students to identify at least two sentences from the text that express wishes and hopes. (1 minute)

MFP Clarification (11-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

The teacher asks students to answer some questions using a Google form. Four sentences that express wishes and hopes are at the top of the form. (3 minutes) Once students have answered the questions, everyone (including the teacher) check the answers. The teacher uses CCQs to assist students with meaning and form clarification. (6 minutes) CCQs: 1. Do we use "I wish" to talk about things that happened in the past? A: No, we use it to talk about the opposite of what is true or real. 2.What verb form do we use to show annoyance or impatience about things outside our control? A: Wish+would+infinitive. 3. What verb form do we use to make wishes about states? A: Wish+past simple. 4. What sentence does use that verb form? A: Sentence B 5. What verb form do we use to express wishes about actions in progress now or refer to a future event? A: Wish+past continuous. 6. What sentence does use that verb form? A: Sentence C. 7. What kind of wish is the person expressing in the sentence "d"? A: about abilities or possibilities. 8. What is another way to say "I wish"? A: "If I only". 9. Is it correct if I say, "I wish I would have a job"? A: No, we can not use "wish+would+infinitive" to talk about ourselves. 10. Why do we use the phrase "I hope"? A: To talk about things we want to happen in the future. (3 minutes) The teacher projects the four sentences using a slide presentation and asks students to listen to the pronunciation of each sentence. The teacher asks students to identify the stressed words. - The teacher says: "Listen carefully, I will read the first sentence twice. Please identify the stressed words; Which words do I stress more?" The teacher uses CCQs: 1. Which words am I stressing? A: stop 2. What kind of word is "stop"? A: Verb. 3. Did I use contractions? A: Yes (you'd, I'm) 4. Did I use blending sounds? A: Yes (you'd stop, talking about). The teacher will reread the sentence and asks students to repeat it after her. - The teacher says: "Listen carefully, I will read the second sentence twice. Please identify the stressed words; Which words do I stress more?" The teacher uses CCQs: 1. Which words am I stressing? A: get 2. Did I use contractions? A: No 3. Did I use blending sounds? A: Yes (could get). The teacher will reread the sentence and asks students to repeat it after her. - The teacher says: "Listen carefully, I will read the second sentence twice. Please identify the stressed words; Which words do I stress more?" The teacher uses CCQs: 1. Which words am I stressing? A: coming 2. Did I use contractions? A: No 3. Did I use blending sounds? A: Yes (you were). The teacher will reread the sentence and asks students to repeat it after her. - The teacher says: "Listen carefully, I will read the second sentence twice. Please identify the stressed words; Which words do I stress more?" The teacher uses CCQs: 1. Which words am I stressing? A: knew 2. Did I use contractions? A: Yes (I'm) 3. Did I use blending sounds? A: Yes (knew where, I'm ready, she comes). The teacher will reread the sentence and asks students to repeat it after her. The teacher suggests students take a screenshot since it will be a future reference for them.

Controlled practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

The teacher asks students to answer 6 questions using a Google form. (2 minutes). Students will compare their answers in pairs using private messages. (2 minutes) The whole group check their answers together. - OCFB (2 minutes)

Freer Practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

(5 minutes) The teacher asks students to discuss in pairs; she will say: -Think of 2 wishes about your life or in the future and 2 things that annoy you. -Tell each other your wishes and the things that annoy you. Give reasons for your ideas. -Ask follow-up questions if possible. The teacher models one sentence before sending them into breakout rooms. The teacher will monitor the participation of the students and write down some notes for the delayed error correction stage. (5 minutes) Students come back to the main room, and the teacher provides the Delayed Error Correction.

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