Tiago Lobo Tiago Lobo

Listening - Clothing Styles
Elementary level


Abc Vocabulary gap-fill
Abc Gist listening handout
Abc Clothes to work quiz

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed listening practice using a text about clothes in the context of formal and informal clothing styles

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification of clothing vocabulary in the context of clothing styles
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of personal clothing preferences


Lead-in (4-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Present slide 1 of prepared presentation (including two pictures of formally dressed and informally dressed couples) and ask the students to guess the topic of the lesson. After this, show the instruction on the slide: "Tell your partner what you are wearing" and say it too. check instructions by giving an example - tell the students what I am wearing. Put them in groups of 2-3 and send them to breakout rooms for 3 minutes (note level of vocabulary understanding ands any good/bad uses of language). Give them a 1 minute and a 30 second time warning before closing breakout rooms.

Blocking Lexis/Meaning, Form, Pronunciation (9-11 minutes) • To teach the students relevant blocking lexis

Share the screen with students and show them the "vocabulary gap-fill" worksheet. Give instruction: "Choose the correct answer to complete the sentence". Check instructions - "do you need to write?", "Do you choose one answer?" Send the link to the google form through zoom chat, tell them they have 3 minutes to do the task. Check answers - share screen and call on students for their answers - select the correct one on screen so they can clearly see the correct answer. Share screen and open slide 2 of presentation. Reveal one word at a time, saying the word to display correct pronunciation and drilling (ask class to "repeat after me"). Ask class if they think the word is a noun or an adjective, reveal correct answer. Repeat process for each of the four blocking lexis.

While-Listening Task #1 (9-11 minutes) • To provide students with a less challenging gist listening task

Share the screen with students - Gist listening handout. Give the instructions "listen and check the boxes". Give an example - "if Person 1 is a man, check the box "Person 1, Man".' Check instructions - "If person 1 is a woman, do I check the box "Person 1, Woman"?" Send the link to the google form through zoom, make sure all students have access. Play the recording once and let them do the task. After they have heard it once, put them in to groups of 2-3 and let them compare answers in breakout rooms, they have 2 minutes to do this (listen in and make notes of good/bad language use). OCFB for 2 minutes - share screen and check the correct boxes on the google form task for them to see clearly, call on students individually for answers.

While-Reading/Listening #2 (9-11 minutes) • To provide students with a more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening task

Share screen with students - google forms "clothes to work" quiz. Explain: "you will listen to the recording again. Listen for 2 things - 1. check the clothes you hear and 2. check if a man says the word or a woman says the word. "Let's do the first one together" - play first 10 seconds of recording and pause it. Ask the students what they heard. If they say "suit" ask if a man or woman said it - check the appropriate boxes. If no one got the answer - listen again. Once they understand, play the audio all the way through. Put students in to groups of 2-3 for peer check of answers in breakout rooms for 2 minutes (listen in and make notes of good and bad language use). Tell the students they will hear the recording again. Play the audio all the way through once more. OCFB - share screen, call on students for answers and select the correct boxes so that students can clearly see answers on their screens.

Post-Listening (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

Share screen - slide 3 of presentation. Give my examples and ask students to write their own in the same way I did - bullet points, they have 2 minutes. Check instructions - "are you writing sentences or words?" Then, tell them they have 3 minutes in breakout rooms (note any good or bad language uses) to tell their partners what they like to wear to work, meet friends, and go to a party. OCFB - 2 minutes, ask 3 students - one question for each (work, friends, party). Language feedback and Delayed errors - share screen, presentation slide 4. Go through 2-4 good and bad uses of language noted during breakout room activities.

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