Angie Maldonado Angie Maldonado

Verb-Noun collocations plan
Upper-Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn about verb-noun collocations, get to know some examples of them, and will practice using them in context.


Main Aims

  • To provide review of verb-noun collocations in the context of fiendship

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide scan reading practice using a text about verb-noun collocations in the context of fiendship


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

• T opens google jam board and asks Ss to think about a friend from school. Do you keep in touch with this person? • T asks Ss to answer the question with a Sticky note introducing the name of the friend and answering if they are still in touch with that person.

Gist Activity (5-6 minutes) • To give students a general idea of the target language.

• T shares a google forms link and asks Ss to take a quick look at the conversation and solve task number 1. (2mn) • Task 1: Do you consider Fred to be a good friend? Would you do the same thing for an old friend of yours? • T nominates some Ss to share their opinions with the whole group (2mn)

Language Analysis (12-16 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

• T introduces verb-noun collocations • T asks some CCQS • T asks Ss to read once more the conversation and answer questions 2, 3 and 4 at the google forms doc (4mn) in pairs/groups • T nominates some students to share their answers with the whole group. (2mn) • T shares screen and writes down in the whiteboard 4 different examples of verb-noun collocations. • T elicits the structure of each of the sentences. • T writes 3 different verb-noun collocations and focuses on the pronunciation of each of them.

Task- Controlled practice (6-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

• T shares a google slides screen and asks Ss to work in groups for solving the task • Task: match the verbs with the nouns below, select 2 verb-noun collocations and create your own sentence using it. • Ss will have 5mn to work in groups • T monitors each of the rooms • T nominates some Ss to share their answers with the whole group (3mn)

Language Practice- freer practice (6-7 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

• T shares google slides screen and asks Ss to work in groups for solving the task. • Task: think on a person who has: Cope with financial difficulties Beaten a record Caught a cold Taken care of someone (example: the grandmother took care of the baby because his mom was not able to do so) Select one of these options and share with your classmates who is this person and how did he/she overcome this situation. (5mn) • T nominates some Ss for sharing their opinions with the whole group

DEC (1-3 minutes) • To provide feedback

• T shares whiteboard screen, writes down some of the sentences or words students mentioned and gives them feedback by eliciting the correct answers.

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