Debby Debby

Functional Language
Upper-intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about functional language through guided discovery base on an audio about a marriage talking about their day. The lesson starts introducing the students into the topic, for later listen to an audio for a gist task. This followed by a clarification of meaning, form and pronunciation. Finally there is some controlled practice task and freer practice via a dialogue about their day.


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Main Aims

  • To provide practice of language used for functional language in the context of saying you are surprised or not surprised

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist listening practice using a text about a marriage talking in the context of how is their day.


Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Starts with a picture with the names Martin and Judy. Teacher ask students to take 30 seconds to think about the three questions and predict what is the couple talking about. Teacher will elicit students to provide language to express if the couple on the picture is happy or not happy.

Gist Task (6-8 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice for gist the target language

Teacher asks students to listen to the audio for approximately two minutes to complete the following task. Teacher by using a google form asks students to take 30 seconds to answer the first question. Teacher will review the answer with the whole class. Teacher by using a google form asks students to put in correct order the sentences and work in breakout rooms for three minutes. Teacher also will model the exercise and monitor the rooms. Teacher will nominate students to review the answers.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the task language

Teacher by using google slides will ask students to work in pairs for 3 minutes to categorise the phrases and pictures in order to be "surprised or not surprised". Teacher will model the exercise and will review the answers with the whole class. ICQs: Individually or groups? Teacher will elicit the form of the phrases from the students. Teacher will clarify and elicit the sentence stress and model intonation. CCQs: What does "you're kidding" and "you must be joking" have in common? What does "must" do? Where is the stress in this sentences? What happens when you have two verbs together? Can you manipulate "that's" and "news" to express the same meaning? What about the word "fantastic"? What part of speech is "fantastic"?

Language Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with practice of the task language

Teacher explains students the task in which they have to complete the gaps individually for about 4 minutes. Teacher does question 1 to model the exercise. ICQs: Work individually for how many minutes? Teacher sends students to breakout rooms for 3 minutes to check answers in pairs. While in breakout rooms teacher monitors. Teacher asks students to discuss their answers with the whole class.

Freer Practice (4-6 minutes) • To provide students free practice of the target language

Teacher by using a google slide will ask students to think of a memorable event for 30 seconds. Teacher will send students to breakout rooms to work in pairs. Student A will share the memory and the Student B will react by using the language learn. 3 min Teacher will ask students to share what their where told about the other peers. While Teacher monitors breakout rooms for free practice, Teacher takes notes for delay error correction. Teacher shares whiteboard to write down errors heard during the practice and correct them with the students

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