Callum Shannon Callum Shannon

TP4 - Grammar Lesson
Basic level


In this lesson, the learners will practice the application of the phrase "going to" in both positive and negative contexts. The lesson will begin with a lead-in where the learners discuss their plans for the weekend. A listening activity will follow and then a focused section on Meaning, Form, and Pronunciation of the grammatical phrase. Then, a controlled exercise will be introduced, followed by a freer practice exercise. The class will be concluded by Feedback and DEC.


Main Aims

  • To provide practice of and revise be going to positive and negative

Subsidiary Aims

  • Introduce correct pronouns and verbs prior to "going to"


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

-Learners will be prompted with the following question. "What are your plans for the weekend?" -T will introduce some examples. -Learners will provide suggestions to the class. T conducts OCFB.

Listening for Gist (3-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target grammar through a listening exercise.

- T sets listening task: - Instructions: Please listen to the conversation and identify all the things the speaker and her sister are going to do that weekend. Write them down - Checklist: - Learners read and answer individually. - Learners compare answers in pairs (if time allows). - T conducts OCFB

Highlighting (1-1 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

During Listening Gist OCFB, T will note the consistent use of the phrase "going to"

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

- T covers MEANING by showing a slide with a link to a google form exercise. Learners will be shown a chores chart and answer T or F for questions pertaining to which person is going to do which chore. Students will be put in breakout rooms to complete -Instructions: Examine the Chores list and determine if the following statement in each question is TRUE or FALSE. - T conducts OCFB and for problematic words and clarifies the meaning via CCQ. T has Q’s prepared for FB to confirm understanding. - T covers FORM of the TL items with a fill in the blank activity via chat (Noun, verb, adjetive) (correct verb) (Positive & Negative) (Bonus determiner Q) - Instructions: Choose the correct form, Which verb fits in the sentence, Is this sentence positive or negative, what word is missing in this sentence? Options are given in the slide. - T conducts OCFB and he clarifies form - T covers PRONUNCIATION - Instructions: Choose the correct # of syllables for "going to" T has students break down the phrase into syllables, using a table via google slides. Syllables are counted by learners via chat. T will fill in table after answers are given via chat. Process repeated for "Where are the stresses in the phrase "Going to"?, and the phrase is pronounced correctly together. Practice sentences are provided and T will dnominate learners to practice speaking using correct pronunciation.

Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

- T sets task: Learners will engage in a controlled practice via good forms. The task is to choose the correct response to simulated questions. - Instructions: Read the sentence. Choose the correct response to the question. - Checklist: Make sure learners understand that there is only one correct answer. Read the question carefully. - Learners read and answer individually. - Learners compare answers in pairs (if time allows). - T conducts OCFB

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

-T sets task: Learners will engage in Freer practice to try out the new phrase and introduce other applications beyond weekend plans. -Instructions: T walks learners through the two questions and puts them into breakout rooms to discuss -T provides an example and demos with another learner -Learners are put in breakout rooms -T conducts OCFB -T conducts OCFB and asks learners ideas they discussed -T writes on the screen samples of learners’ production on the final google slide and asks learners to identify the correct and incorrect sentences and correct the latter ones. -T conducts OCFB (will be written out on slide-based on listening in on discussions)

Post / Freer Practice Feedback (6-7 minutes) • Feedback on correct applications of grammar

-T conducts OCFB and asks learners ideas they discussed -T writes on the screen samples of learners’ production on the final google slide and asks learners to identify the correct and incorrect sentences and correct the latter ones. T conducts OCFB (will be written out on a slide, based on listening in on discussions)

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