Fatemeh Fatemeh


Abc PowerPoint slides ( Teacher made)
Abc Speakut elememtary p70, student book, Frances Eales & Steve Oakes, 2015. Pearson

Main Aims

  • • By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced listening sub skills: Reading for gist, s listening for details in the context of " transportation"

Subsidiary Aims

  • • By the end of the lesson, students will have practiced speaking through a discussion in the context of "transportation""


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

- T greets Ss and shows them a picture of modes of transportation. - T wants Ss to answer the questions related to the picture in groups. - T monitors while they are in breakout rooms. - T gives FB.

Pre-teaching vocabulary (10-12 minutes) • To teach blocking words to help them understand the recording better

- T elicits the words from Ss by showing them pictures. - T asks CCQs. - T does drilling. - T writes the form. - T writes a summary.

While-Listening Activity (5-7 minutes) • To get a general understanding of the recording (gist)

- T asks Ss to answer the questions. - T wants Ss to check their answers in breakout rooms. - T monitors while they are in breakout rooms. - T gives FB.

While-Reading Activity- Reading for details (4-6 minutes) • To provide Ss with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference listening tasks

- T wants Ss to answer the question C. - T wants Ss to check their answers in breakout rooms. - T monitors while Ss are in breakout rooms. - T gives FB.

Post-Listening (6-7 minutes) • To provide Ss with an opportunity to respond to the recording and expand on what they've learned

-T wants Ss to discuss the question D in pairs. -T monitors Ss while they are in breakout rooms. -T gives FB and wants Ss to talk about their partner's answer.

Error Correction • To give students feedback addressing any grammar or lexical issues spotted in the group work

- T uses the notes taken when monitoring the Ss, and elicits the correct answers from students. - If there is enough time, first T wants Ss to discuss the correct answers in breakout rooms, if not T does it as a whole class.

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