Stephanie Stephanie

Teaching Practice 8
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will learn different grammatical structures for how to express wishes and regrets, in the context of a postcard about a terrible vacation. Students will have the opportunity to practice these structures in a controlled and freer environment.


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Main Aims

  • To enable students to understand and practice using the proper form of expressing wishes and regrets

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to practice reading for gist


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Show video, from 00:20-1:08. T asks Ss, "What do these different clips have in common?" ("I wish...") Show Slide 3. T asks, "When you blow out your birthday candles, what do you do?" (make a wish) T asks, "What do you wish for?" (elicit response from Ss) T says, "Usually when we make a wish on our birthday, we wish for things in the future. I wish for good luck, I wish for prosperity, I wish for happiness in the next year... but tonight, we will be learning about how to wish for something in the present, or in the past."

Text Work (4-5 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Show slide 4. T says, "You have 1 minute to read this postcard text. While you read, think about 2 questions: 1) where did Steph go on vacation? 2) what happened on the vacation?" ICQs: What questions will you think about while you read? (where Steph went on vacation, and what happened on the vacation) T says, "Ok, everyone read this individually. You have 1 minute." After Ss read, T says, "Discuss these questions with your partner for 1.5 minutes." T sends Ss to BORs. T monitors. T quickly elicits answers from Ss.

Clarification (MAFP) (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Show Slide 6. Send link in chat. T says, "Do you have this form?" (T gives Ss a moment to retrieve the link to the Google Form.) T says, "You will answer these questions with your partner. Let's do Question 1 together." T demonstrates how to answer the question. T says, "You will answer these questions, and at the end of the form, there are 4 grammar structures. (T shows this on the screen.) The answers to questions 1-9 are your clues, and they will help you find the answer to when we use the grammar structures." ICQs: Will you answer these questions by yourself, or with your partner? (with our partner) Do you have any questions about what you have to do? T says, "Ok, you have 5 minutes." T sends Ss to BORs. T monitors. Show Slide 7. T says, "We use wish + past simple verb to describe a situation we would like to be different in the present. Be careful here. The verb is past tense, but we are talking about something we want to change in the PRESENT." T provides example sentences. I wish I was home. CCQs: Am I home now? (no) Do I want to be home right now? (yes) Do I wish I could change the past, or the present? (The present) Can we say "I wish I am home?" (No. This is incorrect. The verb needs to be past simple.) Sarah wishes she was rich. CCQs: Is Sarah rich now? (no) Does Sarah want to be rich now? (yes) Does Sarah want to change the past, or the present? (the present) Show Slide 8. T says, "We use the structure wish + someone/something + would + base form of verb when we want someone to change their behavior, or we want something to happen. Examples: I wish they would shut up. CCQs: Are the people being loud, or quiet? (Loud) Am I annoyed that they are being loud? (Yes) Do I want the people to change their behavior? (Yes) I wish my car would start. CCQs: Is my car working, or broken? (Broken) What do I want to happen? (I want my car to start) Show Slide 9. T says, "We use wish + past perfect verb to describe a situation from the past that we regret. We can't change the past, but we wish we could." Examples: I wish I had picked a different place to travel. CCQs: Do I regret the decision I made? (Yes) Do I wish I could change a decision in the present, or past? (past) Amy wishes she had studied a different program at university. CCQs: Is Amy happy with the program she chose to study? (no) Does she want to change the past? (yes) If she could change the past, what would she do? (study a different program) Show Slide 10. T says, "We use If only + past perfect verb to describe a situation we would like to be different in the present. Does this sound familiar? This structure has the same meaning as wish + past simple verb." Examples: I wish I owned a house. If only I owned a house. (Same meaning!) CCQ: Do I wish I owned a house right now, or in the past? (right now) I wish you were here. If only you were here. CCQ: Do we wish our friend was here right now, or in the past? (right now) T says, "These have the same meaning. Both are correct. 'If only' is slightly more formal than 'I wish.' That is the only difference." Show Slide 11. T drills pronunciation practice individually and chorally, making note of stress, intonation, and linking words.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Show Slide 12. T says, "Now it's time to practice!" T sends link in the chat. T says, "Click the link. Does everyone have this Google Form?" T shows form while screen sharing. T says, "Fill in the blanks for each sentence using the words from the word bank. You will do this individually, by yourself, but we will do the first one together." T demonstrates how to answer Question 1, eliciting the answer from Ss. T says, "Ok, you have 5 minutes to fill in the blanks. You don't need to submit." After 5 minutes, T says, "Check the answers with your partner," and sends Ss to BORs. T monitors. T calls on Ss to elicit the correct answers. T types correct answers on the screen, to show answer key in case any students missed the answer.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

Show Slide 13. Send link in the chat box. After Ss retrieve the link, T says, "Answer these questions with your partner: "What's happening in each photo, and what are the people saying or thinking? You have 5 minutes." ICQ: What questions will you answer? (what's happening, and what are they thinking/saying) T sends Ss to BORs and monitors. T conducts OCFB, nominating Ss to share their answers. T conducts DEC with the remaining time.

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