Samah Ezzat Samah Ezzat

Reading ,100 places to visit
intermediate level


In this lesson , students will practice reading skills through reading 5 short informative texts about the best places to visit in the world .The lesson starts with a video that gives information about the places which will be mentioned in the text . Then students should skim the text to get the main idea of the text .After that they will read in details to answer some comprehension questions . Students should speak fluently about the places mentioned in the texts when they exchanging information while doing a jigsaw reading strategy. Finally , students should choose one of those places which they would like to visit and write 3-6 sentences about and present it to the whole class.


Abc Decode the message hand-out
Abc Matching
Abc Video
Abc Answer questions hand-out

Main Aims

  • To scan a text for detailed information through doing a jigsaw reading strategy .
  • To provide detailed reading practice using a text about places to visit in the context of travel

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice contextual guessing to guess the meaning of 5 words in the text through doing a matching activity correctly.
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversations in the context of when taking about places they visited
  • To provide product writing practice by paraphrasing some points during writing a summary describing the places they visited


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Decode the message : *T. tells Ss. that they will work in groups to decode a message with the title of the lesson. * T. explains and says " there will be something like a riddle which you should solve to get the word .That riddle will be in a square , it could be a sum , picture or word . above each square , you will find the pattern of speech to help you and under it are dashes which refers to the number of the letters. T. gives each group a hand out with pictures and some phrases and tell them to read the instructions above then * T. asks CCQ : How will you work? individually or in group? (in groups) What will you do with the pictures and phrases? (write words for them to get the title of the lesson) *T. gives a sign to start and mentor them to give any help. *T. checks answers on PPT. (100 places to visit before you die ) and praises SS. for the correct answers with words like (Super , great , amazing) *T. initiates a short discussion about the title. What do you think these places are? ( Any answer is acceptable) Is there any place you would like to visit ? ( Any answer is acceptable)

Pre-Reading (7-10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible by teaching 10 new words through doing a matching activity

Pre-teach Vocab.: * T divides the class into 5 groups . * T. gives each group a hand out with 2-3 difficult words , their definitions an examples. *T. tells Ss. that they will work in groups to match the word to its example first then guess the meaning and match the word to its definition . *T. tells Ss. that each group will have different words and then they will all share the words by presenting the words , meanings and examples of each group. * T. allows Ss. 3 mins. to do the activity and mentor them to give any help. *T. makes sure that Ss. know what they will do in the activity by asking some CCQ: Will you work individually or in groups ? ( in groups ) Will you all have the same words ? (No , each group will have a different group of words) Will you match the word to its definition first ? ( No , the word with its example first to be able to guess the meaning ) How long will it take ? ( 3 mins) *T. gives a sign to start and mentor the Ss. to give any help. *T. asks a representative from each group to display their work and share it with other groups. *T. displays the correct answers of all the groups on a PPT.

While-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging to find specific information related to the numbers mentioned in the texts before starting a detailed reading . reading tasks

*T. asks what is skimming a text ? and Ss. should answer "it's a quick reading to get specific information form the text in which we don't read the whole text ,we just search for the information. *T asks Ss. to skim the texts and tell her : how many places they will read about . (5 places ) *T. asks SS. what are those places ? ( The Grand Canyon , Petra , Las Vegas , Venice and Ken Samui ) * T. asks Ss. to skim the text again to find answers for these questions . T. explains that they will work individually first , then discuss the answers within their groups and finally they will check the answers with the whole class . T. makes sure that they know what they will do by asking CCQ : How will you work ? ( individually , group discussions and whole class discussion) Will you read the whole text? ( No, we will find the information we need only ) . * T. says, " you have only 5 mins to find the information individually , 1 min to share within the group and 2 mins . to discuss it with the whole class and now it's time to start " and displays the questions on a PPT. How old is Petra ? (more than 2000 years ) How old is The Grand Canyon? ( 5 -6 million years old) How long is neon lights in Las Vegas ? ( almost 24,000 kilometers ) How many canals , bridges are there in Venice ? ( over 200 canals and 400 bridges ) * T. checks answers with the whole class and praises Ss. for their work .

While-Reading (14-16 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging, detailed reading tasks while doing jigsaw reading and write a summary after regrouping them

Jigsaw Reading : * T. tells Ss. that they will travel today and visit 5 different places around the world and they will meet each other and tell about the place you visited. *T. divides the class into 5 groups with equal numbers of Ss. * T. explains that each group is going to read a different text about a different place. *T. explains that each member in each group will have the same worksheet and each one should have the answers for all the questions on her sheet. *T. tells SS that they have 3 minutes to do the activity, so it's better to divide the questions among them ; each one in the group find the answer for a question and then share the answers *T hands the Ss. the hand out and asks CCQ : Will you read the same text ? (No) Who will write the answers for your group's activity ? (Everyone in the group) How long will it take ? ( 3 mins ) * T. gives a sign to work then mentor the groups to give help. Next step : Regrouping : * T. checks answers with the whole class On a PPT. and praise the Ss. for their correct answers . Group 1 : 1-What do native Americans call “The Grand Canyon”? 2-How old are the rocks at the bottom of the mountain? 3-What makes over 5 million visitors every year visit the mountain? 4-What is the visitors’ opinion about “The Grand Canyon “? Group 2 : 1-What is the text about? 2-Where was Petra built and how old is it ? 3-What do historians think about Petra? 4-What is the viewers’ opinions about “Petra “? Group 3 : 1-Which city is the text mainly about? 2-Where is the strip? What is it? 3-What replicas are there in Las Vegas? 4-What is the visitors’ opinions about “Las Vegas City “? Group 4 : 1-Which city is the text about? Where is it? 2-What do people use there as a mean of transport? 3-What places can visitors go to in Venice? 4-What do the viewers think about “Venice “? Group 5 : 1-What is the text mainly about? 2-When did tourists know about it? 3-What can tourists do and enjoy there? 4-What is the visitors’ opinion about “Koh Samui “ beach? * T. gives each S. in the group a number . *T. asks all SS. who have N1 to sit in a group. * T. asks the rest of Ss. to do the same ( N. 2 in a group ,N 3 in another group , N4 in a group , N5 are in the last group . * T. explains that they will write a summary about each place using their own words to paraphrase the answers of their questions . * Ss. might be a bit confused about that .So, T. can give modeling for the task with the help of one of the 5 groups * T. says " Here ,in that group , we have 5 Ss. each one worked on a different worksheet and have different questions . The group N. refers to the text N. So, The first place you visited is ---------------- and talk about it using your own words and the points in your questions . The second place you visited is the one with group 2 , it's ------- and continue in the same way and write your summaries about your trip on the big blank sheet on your table" *T. allows them 7 mins to do the task and mentor to give help. *T. asks CCQ : How will you work ?( in groups ) What will you do ? ( write a summary about the 5 places we visited . Where will you write your summary? on the big blank sheet on our table. Will it be the same as your answers ? No , we will use our own words but the same points of the questions. How long will it take ? 7 mins. * T. gives a sign to start and mentor to give help. * When time is up , T. asks the 5 representatives of the 5 groups to come to the front of the class and read their summaries to the class . * T. praises the students for their work by saying ( Super , awesome and great job)

Post-Reading (8-10 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned by relating the text to their own lives.

First stage : Discussion: ( 3 mins ) * T. initiates a short discussion by asking " If you are to visit one of these places , which one you will choose and why ? Then T. selects some individual Ss. to take about their choices and why they have chosen it and discuss their reasons. T. asks Ss. if we have any similar places in their countries ? If yes , what are they? Second Stage : Drawing : T. tells her Ss. that it's time to for you tell others about the places you have in your country .so , work in groups , choose a place in your country , draw it and write some information about it ,for example , how old is it ? What is special about it ? what can tourists do there ? and make your drawing attractive .Then T. allows them 5 mins to do that within their groups . Finally T. asks a representative from each group to present their work to the whole class and gives feedback ( Great job , perfect , Super )

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