Pegah Pegah

Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson, students learn about zero, first, and second conditional through a guided discovery based on a text about a girl. The lesson start with reading the text and then is followed by a number of questions.


Abc Text about Tanya

Main Aims

  • To provide student to understand and practice if-clauses in the context of story of Tanya

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide students to be able to distinguish between the zero, first, and second conditional and be able to produce


Warmer/Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T starts by exposing the students to the text and then asks them which do you think is Tanya's real situation.

prediction (4-6 minutes) • to prepare students before the explanation of the format and meaning of each condition.

T starts with asking the Ss if they know what situation is real and what situation is hypothetical. Then give them 5 sentences and ask Ss to tell which are real and which are hypothetical.

Pre-teach practice (5-6 minutes) • to find the "if" in every sentence and underline the verbs.

Give the same 5 sentences to Ss and ask them in groups to find "if" and underline the verbs. T does the first sentence as an example fir the students, Then T asks Ss to tell the tense of each verb and write them in order

Teach type-0 of if-clause (3-4 minutes) • To clarify conditions of the target language where students had difficulty in the first prediction stage

Before correcting the Ss or giving them the answers, T starts by defining what is an if-clause and what it is trying to convey in meaning. The explains the zero type conditional.

practice type-0 conditional (3-4 minutes) • Check if the students understood the zero type.

T will ask Ss each to produce 1 or 2 sentences according to the format of the zero type conditional.

Teach type-1 of if-clauses (3-4 minutes) • To clarify conditions of the target language where students had difficulty in the first prediction stage

Again T explains the first condition of the if-clauses and tries to make its definition and usage clear.

practice type-1 conditional (3-4 minutes) • To see if the Ss could understand the form and the meaning of the type-1

T asks Ss each to produce 1-2 sentences based on the type-1 conditional.

Teach type-2 of if-clauses (3-4 minutes) • To see if the Ss could understand the form and the meaning of the type-2

T explains type-2 condition and make student help to comprehend the type-2 if-clause and its meaning.

practice type-2 conditional (3-4 minutes) • To see if the Ss could understand the form and the meaning of the type-2

T asks each Ss to produce 1-2 sentences in the format of the TL and writes them on the WB

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