Sarah Schul Sarah Schul

Teaching Plan 7
Beginner level


In this lesson, the students will have more practice with action verb vocab and can/can't grammar. The focus of the lesson will be improving the students' receptive skills and they will have more "real-life" practice by integrating skills.


Abc Ball
Abc Artist/Actor/Athlete pics
Abc 3 piece Reading HOs
Abc Sentence Completion HO

Main Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using biographical texts in the context of "What people do"/abilities

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide receptive and productive integrated skills practice within the context of abilities through a jigsaw reading.


Lead-in: hangman (2-3 minutes) • to set the context ("What people do") and activate the sts' schemata related to jobs/ability/"What people do"

T plays draws blanks on WB and asks sts if they know "hangman". T asks a st for a letter to start the hangman game...continues eliciting letters from sts until the game is over (they have guess the context) "What people do"

Pre-Reading (7-9 minutes) • to pre-teach vocab from the reading

T elicits vocabulary (artist/actor/athlete) by showing pics of famous people on WB. (If necessary, T may choose to do drilling on words that prove difficult for sts for pronunciation practice). After sts provide vocab words, T writes above pics on WB. (2-3 min) T elicits "can/can't" sentences from sts using famous people: (2min) T writes traits/abilities that the sts say on WB around pic of "What can an actor do?//What can an athlete do?" T gestures to sts to brainstorm some traits/abilities about the other 2 pics in pairs and invites sts to write them on WB. (3-4 min) T does FB by checking what sts have written on the WB, asks a few CCQs: 1. Does an athlete paint for a job? No. 2. Does an actor work at an office or a theater? A theater. 3. Does an artist make art? Yes.

While-Reading (scan): Match job with reading (5-6 minutes) • to practice scan reading by identifying the job of the person in bio.

T says "Now we will read about an artist, an actor, and an athlete. We will each read about 1 of them" T mimes reading and finding the job of the person in the bio. T models "Hmmm, artist. I go over here." showing that students will go to one area for artists, athletes, actors. T distributes reading (the reading is broken into 3 different bios, 1 bio is given to each st 'randomly' (alternating)) Sts work individually to scan find the job title (1-2 min). After reading sts will go to appropriate place according to their readings' job. T gestures to sts to check their work with their groups. (1 min.) T elicits the answers from sts asking "where are the athletes?//artists?//actors?"

While-Reading (Detail): Completing the sentences (4-6 minutes) • to practice reading for detail in order to complete sentences in the context of biographies.

T chests HO, indicating that sts will now REREAD and WRITE the name (elicit names) of their person in the appropriate blanks. T will use modeling to check understanding "Hmmm, Nathan uses a computer at work? Yes. What else? Does he know many different languages? No, let's skip that" (mimes skipping) T distributes HO, sts reread and work in their same small groups to select the answers that fit their character.

Jigsaw Reading (8-10 minutes) • to use reading, speaking, and listening skills to gather details from 3 bios.

T regroups sts so there is 1 of each bio (A,B,C) in a group. T mimes keeping your reading a SECRET and not showing your other group members. T models asking question 1: "Who uses a computer at work?" and writes model sentence on WB underlining "Who" T elicits answer from sts. (T models that a one-word answer is not enough! hands in circular motion/leaves the sentence hanging waiting for st to complete it, etc) T mimes writing correct name in blank on HO. Sts work with small groups to complete jigsaw activity. (5-7min) T elicits answer from sts and does ECFB based on monitoring: T also elicits who is the artist, actor, and athlete. 1. Nathan 2. Janice 3. Isaac 4. Nathan 5. Isaac 6. Janice (Possible errors: "DO Janice work in the USA?" // pronunciation // word order while asking/answering)

Post-Reading: Ball Throw Circle Speaking Activity (8-10 minutes) • to practice speaking for accuracy while using can/can't in the context of abilities and to listen and remember what other sts say.

T asks st, "Can you type fast?" and elicits answer from st. "No, I can't type fast//Yes, I can." "Can you ride a motorcycle?"... "I can't ride a motorcycle." T models writing down a "can" sentence about herself, gestures to sts to do the same Sts should write one "can" and one "can't" sentence. (Sts may work in pairs if they choose to do so). (2min). After sts write sentences T indicates that they should remember them and then come stand in a circle. T gestures to sts to stand in a circle in the middle of the room. T shows ball and gives model sentence "I can ride a motorcycle/I can sing an opera". T throws ball st and gestures for them to say a sentence using "can" then gestures for them to throw the ball back. T repeats the st's sentence and own. (T will indicate that students should say the prior people's sentences before adding their own and throwing the ball to a new st). St and T play game (5-7 minutes) If game loses steam, same procedure can be repeated, this time playing with "can't" sentences. T avoids aiding in (error-corrective) formation of sentences unless absolutely necessary but sts may also help their peers to think of new sentences and remember the others.

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