Caroline Kouma Caroline Kouma

Teaching Practice 7 (Let's all talk about our feelings)
Intermediate level


In this lesson, students will gain practice in fluent speaking in the context of feelings. First, they will have useful language highlighted through the Test, Teach, Test method as well as a brief listening activity. Next, they will engage in two semi-controlled speaking activities using the vocabulary and a freer speaking activity in which they will engage in discussions pertaining to the vocabulary. Finally, some common errors will be corrected in delayed feedback.


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Main Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of talking about our feelings.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of vocabulary pertaining to feelings.


Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set the context of the lesson.

Show Ss picture on PP slide of feelings. Elicit, What are these? Feelings. Ask a few students how they feel today. Have them speak in pairs for 1-2 minutes about how they're feeling today.

Highlight Useful Language (5-7 minutes) • To highlight language that will be useful to Ss in final speaking tasks

Ss will be given HO with vocabulary ex. 1 and are instructed to listen and underline the word in bold that they hear. After they have finished, have them check their answers in pairs. Put the exercise on the WB with a PP slide and ask students to quickly come and underline the answers for WC feedback. Ask Ss, "What's the difference between 'interested' and 'interesting' according to the listening? When should we use -ing and when should we use -ed?" Test to see if they know this. Then show a PP slide with an empty table from vocab ex. 2, p.80 (this will be on the bottom half of their handout) that has the words on the side. Ask them to work in pairs for 1 minute to categorize the words and figure out the rule. When students have finished, show the next slide with a filled table/answer key. IF NEEDED clarify further with the examples "annoyed," "bored" and "entertained." Annoyed: "Gabriel talks loudly all day and never stops. He is annoying and it makes me feel annoyed." Bored: "The history teacher is still talking in the second hour of my history lesson. She is boring and I feel bored." Entertained: "I will dance for you. (Tap dance!) I am entertaining! You are entertained!" (Pause for UPROARIOUS laughter)

Pre-teach Vocabulary (5-9 minutes) • To clarify language useful to the students in later speaking activity

Test, Teach, Test Show a slide with all the words and give students a HO with 3 categories - Sure, not sure, don't know. Give them one minute to categorize the words. Once they have finished, give them 3 minutes to ask their classmates to clarify words they don't know well. Finally, ask them to come to the WB and put a star by the words they know for sure, an x by the words they don't know and a check by the words they are not sure about. Clarify the words that are necessary. (Refer to language analysis for clarification.) Finally, ask students to do pronunciation ex. 1 on their handout. Once they have finished, ask them to check answers with a partner. Finally, show AK on WB and answer any questions that come up. Drill pronunciation.

Sem-controlled practice of TL (5-7 minutes) • To provide speaking practice of TL

Students will be split into two groups to play the Hot Seat game with the useful vocabulary. One student will have his/her back to the WB. T will write one of the words on the board. Other group members will explain the word and try to get the student in the hot seat to guess. When the hot seat player knows the word, he/she will raise his/her hand. If the word is correct, that team will get a point. ICQs: Can you act out the word? No. Can you speak Turkish? No. Can you say the word? No. Can you use synonyms? Yes.

Semi-controlled speaking task (4-6 minutes) • To provide students with semi-controlled speaking practice

Students will be given slips of paper with a vocabulary word written on it and must put that word on the back of another student. Students will mingle, telling each other one situation/person that makes them feel what is described on the other student's back. Ss will then try to guess what word is on their back. IF RUNNING SHORT ON TIME: This is probably the activity that could be skipped if absolutely necessary.

Freer speaking task (7-9 minutes) • To provide students with freer practice in order to develop oral fluency

Students will be split into groups of 3. Each group will be given a stack of cards with discussion prompts on them about the language practiced in the lesson. (e.g. Tell about a time you felt disappointed, Describe someone who is annoying.) One student will draw a card and speak about that prompt for one minute while the other two listen. After one minute has passed, the next student will draw a card. The rotation should be done two or three times - HOWEVER, if students seem like they would like to have more than one minute to speak at a time, give them each two minutes to speak and do the rotation once. T should monitor and collect errors during this activity for following delayed feedback. IF EXTRA TIME: This activity can be continued for another round of questions with students speaking for longer intervals.

Delayed FB/Error Correction (4-5 minutes) • To provide feedback of students errors while speaking

T should have collected errors during freer practice activity. Correct the errors with the WC at this time.

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