María María

Copy of Teaching practice No. 5 - The News and news stories
Upper intermediate B2 level


In this lesson the students will learn about the news and news stories through writing and speaking activities relate to the news. The lead-in will gets the students think about the topic. The room is a news gallery, students should go and look at the different headlines. For each headline they must say at least two things they know about the story. Ss move around and discuss the diff headlines. Followed by writing and speaking activities in the context of land & sea. In the following lesson the Ss will practice listening through a listening task about a true news story - the .


Main Aims

  • To provide speaking practices to improve fluency using the context of Land & Sea

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide writing practice of a news story in the context of Land & Sea


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and get Ss thinking about the news and news stories

Teacher prepares 5-8 headlines taken form the local newspaper and /or news website. Set the class room as a news gallery. Students should go and look at the different headlines and for each headline they must say at least two things they know about the story. Students need to move around and discuss the different headlines.

Pre-Speaking (5-8 minutes) • Speaking preparation

Give the Ss time to read on their own the questions in Speaking and writing ex 1 and think of their answers and then as individual activity Ss shall add 2 more questions that than they can ask their partner.

While speaking (10-15 minutes) • Practice writing and fluency in speaking

Ss mingling and need ask at least 3-4 students questions from their questionnaire (like forming a survey). Teacher circulate and monitor and than feed back in open class.

Post speaking - Write a short news story (10-14 minutes) • Practice writing and introduce new vocabulary

Focus Ss on Exercises 3&4 from the course book. Divide them to group of 3 or pairs. Teacher makes sure students familiar with the words in the box. Give examples and explain meaning if necessary. Give them time to read through the words and instructions and get them write a short news story using all the words in the box and according to the rules stated in ex 3. When finished Ss hang their story on the wall and walking and reading their colleagues news stories and compare. Choose the most interesting one to read to the class.

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