Sofia Hirvonen Sofia Hirvonen

TP 5
Elementary level


In this lesson, the Ss will learn about types of schools by reading a text and by listening for detailed information. They will also learn education and school related vocabulary and practice them during the lesson.


Abc Global (Elementary), Unit 8, pg. 93
Abc Global (Elementary), Unit 6, pg. 71
Abc Pictures
Abc Paperslips
Abc Global (Elementary), Unit 6, Answer key
Abc Flashcards

Main Aims

  • To practice reading and listening for detailed information

Subsidiary Aims

  • To practice education and school-related vocabulary
  • To practice speaking skills in the context of school


Introduction (4-5 minutes) • To set the context of "School"

T asks where "where do children learn to read or write" and tries to elicit "school". T writes this on the boad and shows a picture of a young boy and ask "what is the name of the school this boy goes to" and tries to elicit "primary school". After this T will ask same question showing different pictures and tries to elicit "nursery school" "university" and "secondary school". The names of the schools will be put on the WB next to the pictures so that the Ss can see which picture and school type match.

Matching Activity (3-3 minutes) • Preparation for the listening and pronunciation practice

T will divide the Ss into pairs and they will try to match the American school names with the British ones (which was done in the previous stage as a WC).

Pronunciation practice (3-4 minutes) • To practice pronunciation skills

T will ask students to repeat the names of the schools along with the tape. While doing so T will put the American school names in the correct order next to the British ones. UK: Nursery school, primary school, secondary school, university US: Kindergarten, elementary school, high school, college

Vocabulary (4-5 minutes) • Eliciting keywords

By showing pictures T tries to elicit: 1) Medical college/university 2) Law school 3) Library 4) Boarding school Before writing them on the board T will drill them.

Mingling Activity: Finding the right pair (5-6 minutes) • To practice the new words from the previous stage

T will give each student a paperslip where is written either a name of a school or a description. T will then ask the Ss to stand up and by mingling and talking they will try to find the person who is a match for their own paperslip. After they have found each other, T will ask the Ss to read their paperslips.

Reading the text "Centres of Learning" (5-6 minutes) • To practice reading for detailed information

T will give the Ss a table and asks them to fill the first column with the correct information while reading. T will emphasize that it is not important to understand every single word.

Listening (5-7 minutes) • To practice listening for detailed information

T will ask the Ss to fill out rest of the columns on the table while listening.

Answer checking (3-3 minutes) • To practice speaking and check the correct answers

T will ask the Ss to discuss and check the answers in pairs. After a few minutes T will give the correct answers as a handout to the pairs.

Feedback (2-3 minutes) • To do error correction

T will write on the board the possible errors that have come up during the lesson. If there aren't any (pronunciation or grammar) T will go through few things from the listening: Library (singular) - Libraries (plural) Country (singular) - Countries (plural) The University of London vs. London University Mosque

IF-Time Activity: Board Rush (6-6 minutes) • To practice the learnt vocabulary

T will divide the Ss into two groups. There are words on the WB (familiar from the lesson) and when T says a word the Ss will try to catch the correct word from the WB before the other team.

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