Asmaa Elsayed Asmaa Elsayed


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Main Aims

  • Reading

Subsidiary Aims

  • Speaking


Lead-in / Set Context (5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students.

* lead-in 1- ask Ss : - " What do you see here in this picture" The doctor examines the patient. " is a man fear of his doctor?" yes. - " how about this picture?" a woman is standing on the stage. " Does the woman look happy? she is sad. - " what about this picture?" a man is in the darkroom. " Does he feel fear." yes. 2- work in pairs. " Tell your friend about your phobia. anything you are fearful of." 3- open class discussion " could you tell me about your friend phobia" ...................... * Set Context 1- ask Ss about pictures - "does the boy feel safe" no. he is frightened. " is a man in danger situation? yes. " why? " he is fearful of the dog. 2- work in pairs " tell your friend do you love animals? why? what kind of animals do you love? if you hate it? why? do you have a phobia of animals? 3- open discussion " Tell me about your friend's favorite animal?"

Pre- teach vocab (10 minutes) • To prepare students for the text and make it accessible.

* lamb ( n ) 1- what do see here? sheep. / maybe? is the animal small or big? small. or maybe a baby of sheep! so we call this: lamb.: is a young sheep and it's best known for its meat. Most people confused the word sheep and lamb for the same word and the same animal. - repeat after me? lamb. - where is the stress here? no. it's one word. ................................... * grazing ( n ) 2- what do you see here? cows / grass. - are they eating grass? yeas so we call this: grazing: is a ​land with grass that cows, sheep, etc. can eat. repeat after me: grazing. - where is the stress here: Graz. - grazing is adjective / noun / verb? ......................... * flock ( n ) - " are birds flying together?" - are they flying in groups?" - we call this: flock: a group of sheep, goats, or birds. stress: No stress here. ................. * pounced on ( phrasal verb ) - " is the dog friendly?" - " does the dog love the man?" if I want to attack or catch someone or something we call this: pounce on. ............... * pleading (n) - " is the man happy?" - " does the man want something? - if I want something so much we call this: pleading - stress: No stress here. ................. * stomach ( n ) - " This part is inside or outside our body?" - "Does food go here?" - we call this stomach: the organ inside the body where food goes when you eat it. -stress: first part. .................. *digest ( verb) - " does the man eat? -" does the food change in the stomach. - we call this process what? - digest: food is changed in the stomach that your body can use. stress: second part. .............. * shepherd - " does the man take care of sheep?" - " do you know this person's job?" - we call this person: shepherd.: whose job is to look after the sheep. - stress: first part. .................. *bark - " Does the dog make a short loud." - we call this: bark - stress: no

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