Yasser Abualbasher Yusuf Abdullah Yasser Abualbasher Yusuf Abdullah

Teaching Practice 6
Elementary level


In this lesson, students are going to read a text about Nelson Mandela's life events that introduces past simple (regular and irregular verbs). The teacher will use pictures and students feedback to elicit the new vocabulary. Then students will do ex 1 to collocate the verbs with the nouns/phrases. After that, the teacher asks the students about what they know about Mandela asking them to do ex 2 (b). Students will read the text again to arrange Mandal's life events (ex 3). Students will look at the text with some detailed reading to do ex 4 which will lead to the grammar points. They will listen to practise the past simple regular and irregular forms. After doing ex 6 students will be divided into two groups each group will be given a picture (about Mandela's social/political life) to discuss it and write at least three sentences. A spokesperson of each group will read the sentences in front of the class.


Abc audio
Abc white board
Abc handout of Nelson Mandela's life (Students book elementary ''Straightforward'' page 48)
Abc Gap-fill handout (student's book page 48)
Abc handout (Students book elementary ''Straightforward'' page 48)
Abc A picture of a president
Abc A picture of a prison
Abc A picture of writing
Abc A picture of leaving
Abc A pictures of Nelson Mandela

Main Aims

  • To provide gist, scan and detailed reading

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide practice of regular and irregular Past Simple Forms


Warmer/Lead-in (2-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

Teacher greets the students and appreciates their effort of learning. He introduces the topic by asking the students randomly about their yesterday's activities. He receives quick feedback from the students and asks them to look at the pictures he sticks them on the board..

Pre-Reading (5-9 minutes) • To prepare the students comprehend the text by eliciting the vocabulary

The teacher sticks some pictures on the board and asks the students to say the verbs (write, leave, marry), names (prison) and the job (president). He drills the words explaining the number of the syllables and the stress. Then he asks the students to do ex 1 and compare their answers in pairs. He receives a short feedback. After that, he shows the picture of Nelson Mandela and asks some questions about him. Students give some details and the teacher receive them without expressing any comment.

While-Reading 1 (10-13 minutes) • To provide students with less challenging gist and specific information reading tasks

The teacher tells the students that they are going to read a text about Nelson Mandela. He distributes the sheets and asks the students to read and fill the gaps using the given box. Then he asks them to check their answers in pairs. When they finish the teacher attracts the attention of everyone and asks them to listen carefully in order to check their answers. The teacher says the numbers and students give the right answers as a feedback. After that, the teacher puts the students into groups of three and asks them to read the text again individually then work in groups to put the events of Mandela's life in order. He regroups the students and asks them to compare their answers. The teacher will write the letters of the events on the board asking the students to go to the board to the write numbers as a feedback.

While-Reading 2 (8-11 minutes) • To provide students with more challenging detailed, deduction and inference reading tasks (noticing the past simple forms)

Students will be asked to read the text with some focus to find the past simple of the verbs in ex (4 a). The teacher asks the students to underline the past forms in the text. The teacher will ask the students to compare their answers in pairs. He then asks the students to do part (b) of ex 4 in groups of three or four. He monitors closer to assist the students if they have questions. The teacher uses the board for feedback discussing/clarifying the rules with the students. Then the students listen to notice the production of the phoneme /id/. The teacher elicits the rule. After that, if the time factor doesn't distract ex (6) will be done. Then the teacher asks for the answers as a feedback when students finish discussing their answers in pairs.

Post-Reading (5-8 minutes) • To provide with an opportunity to respond to the text and expand on what they've learned

The teacher divides the students into two groups and gives each group a picture of Mandela describing (marriage and presidency) incidents to discuss them and recall some information about Nelson Mandela. Then write a least three sentences about their event and the spokesperson of the group will stand in front of the class to read the sentences. In the end the teacher will correct the wrong sentences on the board..

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