Zoë Heyn-Jones Zoë Heyn-Jones

The Anglo - Business Vantage 3 - Thursday 25 February 2021 - 7:30-9:30am - Lesson 12
Upper Intermediate level


In this lesson students will perform the role play speaking test #2. They will then work with the present simple and continuous.


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification of present perfect simple and continuous in the context of workplace projects.
  • To enable students to be assessed in the context of a role play exercise on maintaining contacts.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To enable students to practice speaking for fluency in the context of company projects.


Welcome (5-10 minutes) • To welcome students to class and to troubleshoot any problems.

T welcomes Ss to class. T asks how Ss are, if they have any questions or concerns about the course materials, platforms, etc. T and Ss chat informally as all Ss arrive to Teams platform.

Review (5-10 minutes) • To review what we covered in last class and to begin setting the context for today's lesson

T gets Ss attention. T nominates S: “what did we work on in our last class?” - We did a quiz - We prepared for our speaking test role plays - We discussed cultural differences regarding saying ‘no’ and how easy it is for us to say ’no’ when someone asks us to do something - We listened to a few speakers making requests and others’ replies T: did we have anything assigned for homework? [yes, to prepare for speaking test #2)

Productive Task - Speaking Test #2 (15-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice target productive skills

T gets Ss attention. T asks Ss to give their role play presentations, assess them with the rubric, and gives brief feedback. T notes that more feedback and grades will be given before the next class.

Lead-in (3-5 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

T gets Ss attention. T shows “The Expert: Progress Meeting” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8Kt7fRa2Wc T tells Ss that they will be describing current company projects in this lesson...but first working on some grammar to be able to do so.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

T gets Ss attention. T shows slide 5 p.62 #1 and nominates S to read instructions. T asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the exercise for 5 minutes. T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working individually? [no, in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to work together? [5 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back and nominates Ss to share their ideas in OCF.

Clarification (10-12 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

T gets Ss attention. T shows slide 6 (p.62 #2/Language Point) and nominates S to read instructions. T asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the exercise for 5 minutes. T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working individually? [no, in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to work together? [5 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back and nominates Ss to share their ideas in OCF.

Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

T gets Ss attention. T shows slide 7 (p.62 #3) and nominates S to read instructions. T asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the exercise for 5 minutes. T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working individually? [no, in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to work together? [5 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back and nominates Ss to share their ideas in OCF.

Semi-Controlled Practice (10-12 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

T gets Ss attention. T shows slide 8 (p.62 #4) and nominates S to read instructions. T asks Ss to work in pairs to complete the exercise for 5 minutes. T assigns partners. ICQ: Are we working individually? [no, in pairs] ICQ: how many minutes do we have to work together? [5 minutes] T sends pairs to channels. T monitors and takes note of language for feedback and DEC. T calls Ss back and nominates Ss to share their ideas in OCF.

Freer Practice (12-14 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

T gets Ss attention. T shows slide 9 (p.62 #6) and nominates S to read instructions: "Give a short presentation about a current company project. Say how long it has been going on, what has already been achieved and what remains to be done." T asks Ss to work individually for 5 minutes to take notes and prepare. T calls Ss back and nominates Ss to share their short presentations in OCF.

Feedback and Delayed Error Correction (8-10 minutes) • To provide feedback and delayed error correction.

T gives feedback, addressing any good language and interesting/important errors noticed during monitoring. T elicits form Ss to reformulate errors. If time permits, T leads Ss in pronunciation drills.

Conclusion (3-5 minutes) • To sum up and close the lesson and to prepare for the following lesson.

T gets Ss attention and thanks them for their time. T asks Ss if they have any questions or concerns, specifically about accessing course materials, platforms, etc. T takes note of anything to address with supervisors/academic services. T asks Ss to review the units for homework, as there will be a quiz at the beginning of the next class. T thanks Ss again for their time, and wishes them a good day.

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