Emilio Andres Pinzon Trivino Emilio Andres Pinzon Trivino

TP3_LP Emilio Pinzon
Upper Intermadiate level


In this lesson Students learn verb-noun collocations form 7 verbs (beat, cope with, make, rise, set, show, win) in the context of the Unusual Achievements some famous people have reached through history.


Main Aims

  • • To enable students to practise and revise some verb-noun collocations, in the context of a text about the Unusual Achievements some important people have made. E.G. beat (a team, ...), cope with (a difficult financial situation, ...), make (a fortune, ...), raise (money, ...) , set (an example, ...), show (an interest in, ...), and win (an award, ...).

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a short conversation in the context of The Unusual Achievements being discussed and using the lexis seen in the lesson (see main aim)


Lead-in (3-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

• T greets Ss, shows jamboard and gives instructions as follow: 1. Open the link in the chat box https://jamboard.google.com/d/151dnTKDFU2Q7shRl35wlh0JdknUMXYlV7VvT_wUo4_k/edit?usp=sharing 2. Share in pairs for 2 minutes with your partner about the questions you see on screen (State pairs: E.G.Theo - Ariana, Maria - Miguel, Charles - Ana, Luis - Shelly) • T send Ss to breakouts (2 minutes auto-close and 15 seconds to wrap-up) • T monitors • T elicits answers from 2 Ss (of different pairs) when back in the main room • T closes stage and heads to the next one.

Exposure (8-10 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

• T shares the link https://forms.gle/voKmzhLYynqk59Mc7 in the chat box and shares screen • T gives instructions as follows: 1. Open the link in the chatbox 2. In 2 minutes, please, read the conversation and answer the questions 3. In 1 minute, Check answers with your partner in pairs via private messages • T asks ICQs: 1. Do we have to read the conversation and answer the questions or just read? Both read and answer the questions 2. How long do we have for this activity? 2 minute 3. How long do we have to check answers? 1 minute • T monitors and keeps track of time • T elicits answers from 2 SS • T gives OCFB on the SS answers explaining why. • T wraps up the stage and continues.

Clarification (8-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

• T shares the link https://forms.gle/LU51hbw2vfb5Yf2c9 in the chat box and shares screen • T gives instructions as follows: 1. Open the link in the chatbox 2. In 3 minutes, please, read the sentences and answer the questions. Be super quick. 3. Again, In 1 minute, Check answers with your partner in pairs via private messages • T asks ICQs: 1. How long do we have for this activity? 3 minutes • T monitors and keeps track of time. • T Asks if they have finished or if they need more time • T elicits answers from 2 SS • T gives OCFB on the SS answers explaining why. • T wraps up the stage and continues.

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

• T shares the link https://forms.gle/MLSFbwrFuCStB4D6A in the chat box and shares screen • T gives instructions as follows: 1. Open the link in the chatbox 2. Individually and in 3 minutes, please, read the sentences and answer the questions. Be super quick. 3. Let me know if you have any doubts about the questions. 4. Again, In 1 minute, Check answers with your partner in pairs via private messages • T asks ICQs: 1. How long do we have for this activity? 3 minutes 2. What can you do if you don’t understand a question? Ask the teacher • T monitors and keeps track of time. • T Asks if they have finished or if they need more time • T elicits answers from 4 SS one per question • T gives OCFB on the SS answers explaining why. • T wraps up the stage and continues.

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

• T shares the following text through the chatbox. Choose 1 topic and think of examples of the following: - A famous actor who has recently won an award - A sportsman/woman who has set a world record - Someone you know who has won a competition - A sports team who have beaten one of their biggest rivals this year - A classmate who sets a good example to the rest of the class • T gives instructions as follow: 1. Work in pairs for 3 minutes with your partner about the questions have in the chat box. • T send Ss to breakouts (3 minutes auto-close and 15 seconds to wrap-up) • T monitors and jots down action points for SS language or pronunciation • T elicits answers from 3 Ss (of different pairs) when back in the main room • T provides DEC to SS and drills where necessary and or clarify weaknesses on MFPA T wraps up the lesson and thanks SS for their participation.

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