saillez saillez

Copy of Future tenses for prediction / holiday and travel
Intermediate level


Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and practice of future tenses for planning and intentions (going to + infinitive; will; present simple) in the context of travel and holiday

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide gist and detailed reading practice using a text about travel habits; noticing future forms
  • To provide fluency speaking practice in a conversation in the context of travel plans


Warmer/Lead-in (5-6 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

They form 3 or 4 small groups (depending on student numbers). Show students pictures of famous tourist attractions and have them guess where / what these places are. (Each of the cards has a number on the back.) Remind them that this is a competition with the other groups. Discuss in your group and write the name of the tourist attraction on the back of the card. They have 2 minutes to do this. Each group gets a set of cards. Feedback: Exchange your set of cards with another group. I display a Power Point slide with 3 columns and rows for each picture represented by the number on the back. Each group reads out the answers for the other group and I enter the points to the table on the whiteboard. Name of the tourist attraction: 2 points. Name of the city: 1 point. Name of the country: ½ point.

Exposure (6-7 minutes) • To provide context for the target language through a text or situation

Give students the headline of the reading (PPT 2) and ask: Do you have any idea what the text is about? What are "different kinds of holiday people"? Elicit some ideas from students. How do you like to go on holiday? What does your typical holiday look like? Consider different modes of transport, preparation and planning or holiday destinations. Ask students to work alone for the next exercise. Show them the text. There are 5 questions and 3 answers to chose from. Read the text quickly and just ignore the words that you don't know. Chose the one that is most like you. You have 4 minutes. Give students handout 1. Which letter did you choose most often? What kind of travel person is A? B? C? How would you describe a person who always marked A? B? C? Which one do you think is best? Get some ideas from the whole class

Highlighting (7-8 minutes) • To draw students' attention to the target language

Read the text again and underline the verb tenses that are talking about future actions. (4 minutes) Work with your neighbour. Write one example each for intention, arranged plan and possibility. Give an example - nominate each other. As students provides answers, I underline on the WB/PPT in 3 different colours (blue for possibility/will, green for intention / going to and red for present continuous) What are the different ways they talk about future actions? How do they make plans? Discuss in pairs. Use PPT 4 (3 minutes) Plans: You think about something that you want to do. You decide to do something. So you've made a p_______ for this? For example, your manager asks you to improve the quality of the service of the department. Or he asks you to write a project _________ So all these are plans. Different kinds of people spend more or less time on planning. A plans everything very carefully, a long time in advance. B plans the most important parts of the trip but leaves things like shopping or packing the suitcase to the last day. C doesn't plan anything and leaves everything to chance.

Clarification (9-10 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Ask students to work in pairs for the next activity. Show handout 3 - guided discovery. Ask them to complete these tasks. Give them the answer keys in envelopes as well as the handouts. Answer the questions. (4 minutes) - now open the envelopes compare and mark your own mistakes on their own handouts. Ask students to tell me where they were wrong. Write examples of mistakes on board for immediate correction. Get students to explain it to each other. Does anyone have the correct answer? Explain to him why you answered in this way. Step in where necessary and ask more CCQ's. Elicit where necessary: Arrangements: You've made a plan about what you want to do, for example going to Thailand. What do you need to do now? (book a flight, a hotel) You need to a_______ your trip. Your sister is getting married and she has lots of things to do. She has a plan of getting married but things need to be done until she gets married. She needs to a______ it. She needs to make arrangements. She needs to take action. For example, book a restaurant, choose a wedding dress.. Work on WB: Get students to notice form using PPT. 3 sentences - ask students "what are the parts that create the future forms?" Underline these forms on the PPT - get students to do it. Clarify pronunciation with drilling of "going to" - "gonna" - contraction - clarify use and appropriacy Drill whole sentences.

Controlled Practice (4-6 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

Exercise 1 on handout 3. Complete the sentences with the correct future forms. Work with your neighbour. Students come to the board and write the answers. Feedback: do you agree with this? Why / why not? Was this difficult?

Semi-Controlled Practice (5-6 minutes) • To concept check further and prepare students for free practice

Students in groups A-B-C (3 people per group). They are people on holiday at breakfast and they tell each other about their plans. Use future forms as we discussed. (show them the text) Here are some ideas for each of you but try to use the future forms and not only read the text to each other. This should be a conversation. Give example (PPT): In the text it says: "You'd like to wander around and explore the resort." How could you say this using a future tense? Is this something that has been arranged? or is the tourist only thinking about it? I am going to wander around and explore the resort. Give them the handouts. (4 minutes) Make notes for delayed error correction. Ask students how did it go?

Free Practice (8-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

So which one was your favourite destination? Show pictures again from the first warm up exercise (on PPT). Choose a place from the first set of pictures and then plan a holiday. Where are you going? Where are you going to stay? What are going to do? What will you do in the evenings? Are you going to visit any tourist attractions? Now think about what you can do there and how you would prepare for your holiday. Move around the class and discuss with the other students what they are going to do on their holidays. Which is the most exciting holiday? Which one is the best? Which one is the most expensive? Get a few ideas from students about the holiday that they are planning for themselves. Delayed error correction.

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