Leo Lion Leo Lion

Copy of Adverbs of Frequency
Life Style, Ele, Pearson, 2010 level


This lesson will focus on Grammar. T teaches the Target form through situational context . Sts will produce the target form in productive tasks after doing some controlled practices containing unscrambling, gap filling activities.


Abc Materials (source and handouts:adapted worksheet from course book, board, pictures, realia, Markers
Abc Materials (source and handouts:adapted worksheet from course book, board, pictures, realia, Markers
Abc Materials (source and handouts:adapted worksheet from course book, board, pictures, realia, Markers

Main Aims

  • Sts are exposed to the grammar of adverbs of frequency in a situational context

Subsidiary Aims

  • Sts practice speaking for fluency in the context of their life and cultural differences


Warmer and lead-in (0-5 minutes) • To greet sts and learn their names

T greets them and introduces herself ,give each sts a card and asks them to write their names on with a marker on their cards. ICQ: Can you write your friend's name on your card? Can you write a number on your cards? What should you write on your cards? Optional: T gathers their names and guesses their names by making sts tell her some of the letters of their names . T ask them to put their cards in front of themselves.

Grammar presentation (0-10 minutes) • Sts ar exposed to adverbs of frequency in a situational context.

T introduces her friend Amy and paste her schedule table on the board. T pastes Amy's picture while doing housework and points to the part related to housework on her schedule and elicits: She does housework every day. T pastes always and elicits: she always does housework. CCQ: Does she do house work one time in a week? How many times a week does she do housework? T underline how many times and writes " How often" CCQ: How Often does she do house work? T pastes the pictures related to other activities in her schedule and follows the same way. CCQ( for usually); Does she read books just on Monday and Wednesday? How many times a week does she read a book? How often does she read books? CCQ( for often) ; Does she watch tv two times a week?How often does she watch tv? CcQ( for sometimes): Does she Play the piano every day? How often does she Play piano? CCQ( for hardly ever) : How many times a week she go shopping? Does she usually go to shopping?How often? CCQ( for never) : Does she play basketball everyday? Does she always play basketball? T also focuses on pronunciation while drilling and does immediate correction if they make a mistake. T boards the form on board and focuses on the position of " adverbs of frequency" before main verbs and after the verb be. T elicits the question and negative forms and boards them with different colors.

practice (0-10 minutes) • Sts practices present perfect an past simple through some controlled practices

Optional: T asks sts to underline " adverbs of frequency" in Michael's reading task. ICQ: Can you underline names? What can you underline? CP1: T asks sts to unscramble the words and makes sentences. T does the first one as a model and ask a volunteer to do for the class. ICQ1; What should you make? should you use all of the words in each number. Can you use usually in number two?(no), why? FB: T asks sts to check their answers in pairs and then does WCF. CP2; T asks sts to make changes in sentences by using the words in parentheses. T models the first one. FB: T gives markers to sts and asks them to write the answers on the board.

productive tasks (0-20 minutes) • Sts practice speaking for flunecy and writing for accuracy in the context of their life and cultural diffrences.

Freer Practice1: T gives sts some cards with Qs on them and sts should go around the class and find the answers for 4 of their classmates. ICQ: should You sit on your seat or walk around the class? T walks around the class , monitor them and takes notes of their errors and also good language points Language feedback: T asks sts: who always goes on business trip? Who never works at the weekend? Task fb: T writes their mistakes on the board and and ask sts to correct them. Freer practice 2: T divides them in to three groups and pastes a piece of paper outside the class ( It includes sentences with adverbs of frequency)and then one volunteer from each group should dictate the sentences of the paper pasted outside the class.The winner group should say" Stop" iCQ: How many sentences should you have at the end? Who should say the sentences? Who should write the sentences? What should You say when you finished? How should you say it?( loudly/quietly) Can you do it slowly?(no) why? Because this is a game T gives each group the right answers on a sheet of paper and ask them to take decisions whether they are false or true. FB: T does a wcf. Optional( Plan B): T write 3 sentences on the board about her weekly schedule. T says: which Is not true? guess it?which is a lie? T asks sts to write three sentences using adverbs of frequency about their weekly schedule. One the sentences is not true. T reminds them they should be good Liars. Sts should guess the untrue one in pairs. ICQ: How many sentences can you write? How many of them should be a lie?How many of them shouldn't be true? Language feedback; what interesting point did you find about your friends? T listens to their answers and after that write their errors on the board?

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