Sarah Schul Sarah Schul

Teaching Plan 6
Beginner level


In this lesson, students learn about "there is/there are" in the context of classroom items and tourist destinations. They will have practice with the Question form, negative form, and positive form.


Abc St. Petersburg HO

Main Aims

  • To provide clarification and accuracy practice of "there are/there is" in the context of classroom items and tourist destinations

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide process writing practice of a informative paragraph in the context of a familiar, touristic city
  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a conversation in the context of tourist desinations


Lead-in: Istanbul map (4-6 minutes) • to elicit "Istanbul" context from the students and provide model and introduction of "there is/are"

T draws on WB the rough outline of Istanbul. (sts will probably guess immediately...if not T will continue drawing significant features until they do) T elicits things that exist in Istanbul from sts and draws them on the WB. (T may elicit using pictures, by gesturing to an area and asking "what is here?", or by miming) T may also choose to have sts come to WB and add items themselves (drawing or sticking pics). Having completed the 'map', T points to something on the map and models sentence out loud, "There is..." (possible model sentences in Language Analysis or T will use sts suggestions). T repeats repeats process a few time, each time giving less and less of the sentence and eliciting more and more from the sts (eg. 1st sentence: "There are 2 bridges in Istanbul." 2nd sentence: "There is a ...... in Istanbul." 3rd sentence: "There is .............." After modeling verbally a few times, T writes model sentence on WB

Form Introduction and Pronunciation Practice (5-6 minutes) • to provide the affirmative, negative, plural and question forms of "there is" and to drill the proper pronunciation of TL using various patterns

Using model sentences elicted from Sts, T underlines or circles (using different color) the key parts of TL: Are/Is (use in plural vs singular and word order in Qform) plural "S" Isn't/Aren't (negative contractions) While highlighting each different form, T checks meaning through examples (eg. "Can we say 'There is 2 airports?' No.) (2-3min). At this point T will also use drilling for pronunciation practice. T says model sentence and gestures to students to repeat. T may choose to break down certain parts of the model sentences in order to provide a clearer model and more focused practice. T will use a variety of drilling patterns (WC, boys/girls, left/right, individuals, etc). (3-4min).

Selecting is/are (5-6 minutes) • to have controlled practice with choosing the proper form of "there are/is"

T writes example sentence on WB: "In Istanbul there is/are 2 big bridges." (T may check meaning of bridges if necessary by giving examples of "Bosphorus" and "Fatih Sultan Mehmet" Bridges.) T says incorrectly, "In Istanbul there is 2 big bridges" and elicits "Incorrect" from sts, then elicits correct answer and underlines "are" on WB. T chests HO demonstrating that sts will complete it in the same manner: underlining either "are" or "is" in each sentence. T gestures to Sts to work in pairs and distributes HO. Sts complete HO in pairs. (3min) T writes numbers 1-5 and "is/are" on WB and gets volunteers/nominates sts to underline the correct answer. T does error corrective FB (2min)

Writing Sentences about St. Petersburg (HO) (8-10 minutes) • to practice forming sentences using "There are/There is" given some information in a text.

T gives students a noun phrase (eg. hotel // train to the city center) and elicits from sts "is/are". T elicits complete sentence from sts and writes on WB. T chests HO underlining bold word with finger and models making a sentence with the first (airport), as another example. T gestures that sts will write sentences in this manner on the HO. T indicates that sts should work in pairs and distributes HO. Sts complete HO (6-7 min)

Question form practice answer check (3-5 minutes) • to use the question form of TL while asking about

T models asking questions with "Is/Are there?" (eg. Is there an airport in St. Petersburg?" T elicits answer from sts. T elicits question from st ("Are there buses to the city center?") (reminding sts of when we use are vs is.) T switches the pairs so sts will check with new partners and sts check answers by asking/answering Qs. (2 min) T checks answers and does error-corrective FB.

Write about a city (6-8 minutes) • to practice writing for process and giving information using "there is/are" in the context of a city the sts are familiar with.

T mimes thinking about a new city. T elicits another city from st(s). T asks questions like "Is there a park in ....?" // "Are there museums in .....?" St answers and T mimes writing these sentences down on paper. T indicates that sts will now do this writing activity. T distributes paper and indicates that sts should think and write (miming). T does mostly monitors without intruding but checks to see that each st is on task and understand the activity (have they all picked a city to write about?) Sts write sentences individually. (5 min) As sts finish writing, T indicates that they should stick them on the wall (and gives them sticky tack.)

Reading about peers' cities (8-10 minutes) • to read their classmates writing and check for errors.

T models walking around room and reading a few papers. T makes facial expressions indicating thinking about whether the sentences are correct/incorrect. T indicates to sts to stand up and do the same. (T indicates where each student will start and what direction they will move in.) After sts have read a few different papers (2-4 depending on time) T indicates that they should sit down. T elicits the name of a city from st(s), elicits what is in this city. (Repeats a few times, if time allows, T may ask sts to discuss what they read in pairs) T does ECFB.

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