Sulenur BILGIN Sulenur BILGIN

Lexis - PPP
Elementary level


In this lesson, students will learn about their family members through PPP. The lesson starts with a picture and the topic of the lesson is tried to be elicited by the teacher. This is followed by the presentation in which there are different pictures with different family members. There are one controlled practice in which they are supposed to completee the sentences with the correct family member. Lastly in the freer activity, students are expected to talk about their family members in pairs, and to remember what their friends said.


Abc Lead-in Picture
Abc Presentation Slides
Abc Speaking Task Slide
Abc Completing the sentence

Main Aims

  • To provide practice, review and clarification of family in the context of Simpsons the cartoon.

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide accuracy speaking practice in a talking about SS' family members.


Warmer/Lead-in (5-8 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students

The lesson starts with a picture of "Simpsons". T asks; "Do you know this cartoon? What is its name?" SS are expected to look at the picture and say; "Yes, it is a cartoon; Simpsons." By doing so, the topic of the lesson is elicited through a picture and also students' attention is drawed with a strong beginnig. As soon as SS give the answer, T shows the slide in which the topic is given.

Presentation (12-16 minutes) • To clarify the meaning, form and pronunciation of the target language

Presentation slides start with a family tree of Simpsons. T announces; "This is a family tree of Simpsons. Today we will talk about Simpson's family members." In the following slides, there are particular family members of Simpsons, each one of them describes a different family member name. First, slides start with the chosen pictures from the family tree. First, T tries to elicit the relationship between them, then T shows the written form of it. Lastly, T wants SS to repeat after her. This procedure will be applied for the rest of the presentation. To clarify the meaning and the usage of the family members, T may ask some CCQ and ICQs; T: "Is your father's sister your aunt?" (yes) T: "Okay then, is your mother's sister your aunt too?" (yes) T: "If you are married, what do you call your wife's/husband's father?" (mother-in-law)

Controlled Practice (8-10 minutes) • To concept check and prepare students for more meaningful practice

In the controlled practice, SS will have an activity in which they are supposed to ask the questions to each other in breakout rooms and complete the sentences with the correct family member. T announces that SS will work in pairs in breakout rooms and they have 5 mins to complete the task. T: "Will you work alone?" (no) T: "How many minutes do you have?" (5)

Free Practice (9-10 minutes) • To provide students with free practice of the target language

In the freer activity, students are supposed to talk about their family members in pairs in breakout rooms. T announces; "You will talk about your family members in pairs, you have 8 mins to do that activity, and remember what your friends said!" T asks: "Will you speak?" (yes) T asks: "Will you remember what your friends said?" (yes) Lastly, when the SS complete talking about their family members in breakout rooms, T asks questions about their friends' answers.

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