Ludwig Ludwig

TP7 - Writing
Elementary level


Main Aims

  • To introduce and provide practice of writing a (short) postcard

Subsidiary Aims

  • To provide clarification and review functional language used in the context of writing postcards


Lead-in (4-4 minutes) • To set lesson context and engage students in discussing postcards and traveling

- T shares TP7 Lead In GoogleSlide and elicits answer to Qs below: - "What do you see?" [pictures of places/postcards] - "When do you write postcards?" [when you travel] - T says "Did someone ever send you a postcard? Where were they traveling? Ask your classmate in the breakout room" - Open Breakout groups (2 students per) - T says "You have 2 MIN" - Monitor - OCFB - elicit topics that were discussed "Student X did you travel someplace and write a postcard?"

Sample Analysis - Layout (4-4 minutes) • To provide a model of the sections of postcard that Ss will utilize in the upcoming writing tasks

- T shares "Sample Analysis" slide #1 with sample postcard - T says "Now, read the text quickly and answer the question" "1 MIN MAX" - ICQ "Are you going to read slow or FAST" [fast] - OCFB elicit answer to Q "What is the text about?" - T goes to Slide #2 which has sections labeled. - T elicits from students the matching of the names of the parts of the postcard with the location markers on the text

Sample Analysis - Language (MAF) (4-4 minutes) • To highlight and clarify useful language for the upcoming postcard writing tasks

- T shares "Sample Analysis" slide #3 with 3 functional language items listed - T says "Let's look 3 phrases we can use in writing postcards" - T reads the first "We're having a great time" and elicits meaning via CCQ: "Do they like Jamaica? [Yes] CCQ2: "Is it boring or fun?" [fun] T- covers form "We're having a" + [adjective] + [noun] and elicits some other adjective/nouns from Ss - T does the same for "Tomorrow we are going to a reggae concert" - T conveys meaning via CCQ: "Did they already go to the concert" [no] "When is the concert?" [tomorrow]o they like Jamaica? [Yes] CCQ2: "Is it boring or fun?" [fun] T- covers form "Tomorrow we're going to" + [a place]; elicits different places (museum/beach, etc) - T does the same for "Miss you lots" - T conveys meaning via CCQ: "Was this written at the beginning or ending of the sample" [ending] T - tells students that this is a common expression to end a card. Share a few other common closings that are all fixed expressions "See you soon!" "Wish you were here!" T- asks is it formal or informal [informal]. Why? no subject used in informal short postcard language

Writing a Postcard (20-20 minutes) • To provide an opportunity to practice writing a postcard

- T shares GoogleDoc "Writing Postcard Exercise" with instructions and says -"Now, I want YOU to write a postcard" "You have 15 MIN" -"You need to do 2 things: 1) Imagine that you are on vacation. Think of a place. 2) Write a postcard to your friend or family about this place" - ICQ1 "What place do you write about"[ vacation location] - ICQ2 "Who do you write to?" [family or friend] - Copy link of GoogleDoc link to the chat and verify that they open - T says "Student X you have page X, Student Y you have page X" Assign each student to the page with their name - Ask Ss to confirm that they see their name on the top of the page. "Please BEGIN writing" - T monitors Ss by watching them type in GoogleDoc and make comments, suggestions, etc -

Feedback and Error Correction (8-8 minutes) • To provide feedback on students' production and use of language

- T tells students that they need to check their classmates postcards - T copies checklist into chat and says "Read your partners postcard and check these 4 times: 1) Does the postcard have all 4 parts (Greeting, Body, Closing, Signature)? 2) Are there any grammar mistakes? 3) Was their a sentence about the place they visited? 4) Is it greeting and closing informal or formal? - T assigns pairs “Student X you are not going to review Student Y’s writing on page X, Student Y you are going to check Student X" etc - "Read the postcard and look for the items in the checklist" - You have 2 MIN - T says now give your partner feedback in breakout rooms - T places pair in BREAKOUT groups - 3 MIN in BREAKOUT ROOM - 2 MIN OCFB: T elicit feedback from Ss "Did S describe their trip? What did they say?"

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