Huda Huda

Teacher practice 5
Intermediate level


In this lesson the students will elicit some forms of passive voice in the context of News. The lesson will start with the questions of ' Do you watch the news and What kinds of news do you watch?. Later will discuss in groups and speak about the latest news in the world. After that I will let a student from each group to come and write one of their ideas on the WB. I will some questions like 'Which country did win the world cup?' to give some clues about the topic of a short reading passage the student will read. Then I will give students a short passage about Messi. After I ask a question about the passage, the students will underlines the verbs with their partners and decide which verbs are in passive form. So I will ask the questions of 'how do we form passive? and Which form do you see?' Let them elicit the past simple passive form. I will give HO1 ( the activity is related to the previous text) and they will change the active forms into passive forms. Early finishers will discuss in which tenses are these sentences used. After that I will ask them how do we form past cont., present perfect, past perfect passive forms. Let the students elicit the question form by asking questions.HO2 will be given to them. And they rewrite the sentences in passive voice then check the answers as a WCFB. Finally they work in pairs and and make some predicitions by making question form of passive voice.


Abc Handout
Abc Handout
Abc Handout
Abc Short reading passage
Abc hand out with newspaper headlines

Main Aims

  • To introduce and let the students elicit the active and passive forms of past simple, past cont., present perfect and past perfect tense.

Subsidiary Aims

  • to practice passives forms past simple, past cont., present perfect and past perfect by speaking and writing activities.


Warmer (1-2 minutes) • To warm up the students to the lesson by asking question from the context

The students will be asked ' Do you watch the news and what kinds of news do you watch?'

LEAD- IN (1-6 minutes) • To make the students aware of the topic with the help of news context

The students will discuss in groups and speak about the latest news in the world. After that I will let a student from each group to come and write one of their ideas on the WB. I will ask some questions like 'Which country did win the world cup?' to give some clues about the topic of a short reading passage the student will read. Then I will give students a short passage about Messi. After I ask some questions like Who won the golden ball and what did FIFA's president think about the fact that Messi got the Golden Ball then the students will in pairs underline the verbs with their partners and decide which verbs are in passive form.

Teaching- Language presentation (1-20 minutes) • to introduce and use of passive form

I will start by asking the question of ' How do we form passive' then 'be+ past participle'. After that I will ask 'Which form do you see' and the the students will elicit the passive form of past simple. Chest and give HO1 and there are some sentences from text in the previous lesson. The sentences are in active form and they will change them into passive form. Write the first item on the WB and make them elicit the passive form. Check it as WCFB. The students who finish the activity earlier will discuss the passive form of tenses used in the sentences.The students will write the passive form of the sentences on the WB. After that I will draw a timeline on the WB and ask to match the sentences with the four times periods in pairs. Then I will ask how do we form the question form of the first sentence in passive voice. Then students will elicit the passive voices' question form.

Practice in language (1-7 minutes) • to practice the language in activities

Chest the HO2 and distribute it to the students. Check WCFB

Speaking (1-10 minutes) • to practice the language with a speaking activity

Chest the HO3 and tell them they will work in pairs. One of the students will be A and the other will be B. The partners will try to make predictions about each other by making question form of passive voice. If they are put a tick, but if they are wrong they will a cross.

If time (1-7 minutes)

The students will work in pairs. The students will be given a HO and asked them to create newspaper headlines using the passive voice for these five topics.

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